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  • Abstracts of Talks

    (Update: 4 April 2012.)

    Monday, March 26
    08:00-09:00 Registration and
    opening ceremony
    09:00-09:40 Le Dung Trang Vanishing cycles for hypersurfaces with two singular strata
    09:50-10:30 Pho Duc Tai On singularities of rational curves
    11:00-11:40 Ashikaga Tadashi Extended Zagier reciprocity for Dedekind sum via cyclic quotient singularities
    --- Lunch ---
    13:30-14:10 Oka Mutsuo Contact structure adapted with Milnor fibration for the link of strongly polar weighted homogeneous face type
    14:20-15:00 Nguyen Chanh Tu For some parametric curves which are complete intersection
    15:30-16:10 Kawashima Masayuki On (p,q) torus curves and weak Zariski pairs
    Tuesday, March 27
    08:30-09:10 A'Campo Norbert TQFT representation and monodromy
    09:20-10:00 Ueda Kazushi Mirror symmetry and singularities
    10:30-11:10 Dinh Si Tiep Lojasiewicz inequality on non-compact domains and singularities at infinity
    11:20-12:00 Phan Phien Some quantitative results in singularity theory
    --- Lunch ---
    14:00-14:40 Trotman David On the local geometry of definably stratified sets
    14:50-15:30 Ishikawa Masaharu On the factorization of A-polynomials
    16:00-16:40 Inaba Kazumasa On the enhancement to the Milnor number of a class of mixed polynomials
    Wednesday, March 28
    08:30-09:10 Le Quang Nam The nature of singularities for type-I mean curvature flow
    09:20-10:00 Ishibe Tadashi The skew growth function N(t) for the monoid of type Bii and others
    10:30-11:10 Nguyen Viet Dung On the topological complexity and hyperplane arrangements
    --- Lunch ---
    Excursion: city tour
    Conference Dinner
    Thursday, March 29
    08:30-09:10 Ishii Shihoko Jet closures and local isomorphism problem
    09:20-10:00 Nguyen Tien Dai The method of the calcul of Feynman integrals
    10:30-11:10 Akita Toshiyuki Surface symmetries and equivariant characteristic classes
    11:20-12:00 Mase Makiko Families of K3 families in certain Q-Fano 3-folds
    --- Lunch ---
    14:00-14:40 Namba Makoto Normalized families and moduli spaces of Galois coverings
    14:50-15:30 Huynh Quang Vu Reidemeister torsions and achirality of knots
    Friday, March 30
    08:30-09:10 Vu The Khoi On the Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants
    09:20-10:00 Kobayashi Masanori A note on exceptional unimodal singularities and K3 surfaces
    10:30-11:10 Tokunaga Hiroo Geometry of sections of elliptic surfaces and its applications
    11:20-12:00 Tran Gia Loc Bernstein-Sato Polynomials and applications
    --- Lunch ---
    14:00-14:40 Usui Sampei Log mixed Hodge theory
    14:50-15:30 Tomaru Tadashi Some facts on C*-equivariant degenerations of curves and normal surface singularities with C*-action

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