Features of Da Lat
 Some General Features of Da Lat:

Located on an elevation of around 1500m above sea level on the pitching hills of the Langbian Plateau, the city of Dalat is Vietnam's premier hilly destination with beguiling streets, picturesque churches, bounteous vegetable gardens and splashing waterfalls wich are aired with the intoxicating scents of pine trees and wood-smoke. The city is named after an acronym of Latin words "dat aliis laetitium aliis temperiem".

Alexander Yersin, the Swiss geologist who first reached this pass, established the town in 1897 as a resort for French commanders feeling weary of the Vietnamese tropical climate.

With a population of about 500000, Dalat is like a small European town with fresh air and a cool climate - the annual average temperature is about 18oC. The city is decorated with a wide variety of flowers. Beautiful flowers such as rhododendron, cherry, mimosa, hydrangea, rose, daisy, and dahlia are grown everywhere. Dalat offers a harmonious combination of natural scenery and historical sites.

So far the city has been considered as one of the leading tourist centers of the country. With such unique characteristics, Dalat is a prosperous center of culture, tourism, and subtropical agriculture of Central Vietnam and particularly the West Highlands area, Thousands of visitors come to Dalat to enjoy their holidays or their honeymoons every year. In addition, Dalat is only 300 kilometers north of Ho Chi Minh City and 200 km from NhaTrang (a coastal city). So visitors can travel to Dalat by car or by plane.

Some General Features of The University of Da Lat:

The University of Dalat is located in the center of the city of Dalat - a popular tourist city on Lam Vien Plateau with a year-round cool climate, endless pine forests, flowers, fog, and waterfalls The University Institute of Dalat was founded in 1958. In 1975, it was reorganized after the unification of the country and has become a multi-field public university.

The university campus sits on a hilly area of 40 hectares north of Xuan Huong Lake, beside an international 18-hole golf course. The campus is also one of the numerous romantic and beautiful spots in Dalat. There is a variety of styled buildings hidden in the pine trees. The campus offers peace and quietness which is an ideal atmosphere for learning and researching.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer science:

In 1977, the forerunner of the Department of Mathematics only consisted of four teachers. In 1981, the Department of Mathematics was founded. In 1999, it was renamed to the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. The main research branches of the Department are:

  • Theory of Singularities
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Optimization
  • Artificial Intelligence.

  •    Useful Information
     Vietnamese Currency:

    The currency issued by the Vietnam State Bank is the dong (abbreviated "d" or VND) which is used uniformly throughout the country. Widely-used bank notes in domination of 500 VND, 1000 VND, 2000 VND, 5000 VND, 10000 VND, 20000 VND, 50000 VND, 100000 VND, 200000 VND and 500000 VND are presently in circulation. There are also coins with values of 200 VND, 500 VND, 1000 VND, 2000 VND. The front views of them are below: Traveller's cheques can be exchanged for VND only at authorised exchange banks. Credit cards (American Express, Visa, Mastercard) can be used in banks, travel agencies, hotels, major restaurants and ATM of large banks. US currency is exchanged for Vietnamese dong and treasury notes in banks, exchange bureaus, hotels, and jewellery shops with the daily changed rate. The currency exchange rates can be checked here for the daily updated rate.

    Some useful web pages:

  • http://www.vietnamtourism.com/
  • http://www.vietnamtravel.org/

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