English Seminar (上級) Autumn 2015: Ethics in the World Today

For a general outline of the course, click here.

Note: The timetable is subject to alteration. Check this page regularly.

Office hours: I will see students by appointment. You can arrange an appointment either in person (in the classroom) or by e-mail.

Method of Evaluation
Attendance + preparation/participation 20%
First presentation 15%
Final presentation 20%
Term paper 25%
Short papers + vocabulary test(s) 20%

Note that each topic will involve:
1. Homework: reading relevant parts of the textbook and sometimes other material, with some summarizing/answering of questions/defining of keywords etc.; research into the topic and attitudes to the topic in Japan and possibly the U.S.; other forms of preparation; possibly a writing task related to the topic.
There will be a handout to download from 授業支援 for each section. You must do the reading and research indicated in the handouts and write notes in response. This will help you to participate in class, and also prove that you have prepared properly. Bring a copy of your notes to class so that the instructor can look at them.
2 General class work: activities based on homework; discussions or role-plays.
3. Presentations on moral issues in Britain and Japan, followed by question and answer sessions.

Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines.

Topic Date/Class no. Class Activities
(changes will be in this colour)
Preparation for next class
Orientation Fri. 09/25 no.1 Distribute schedule, record cards etc.
Skills introduced: Jokyu reading and discussing

Buy the textbook.
Look at this outline of the AQA course as a whole sample exam paper: Part A, Part B.
Download Reading Handout 1 from 授業支援 and write your answers in note form. (To see which group you belong to, students in the fourth period class should go here, and students in the fifth period class should go here.)
Fill in your record card. If you have time, attempt the Philosophical Health Check (and the Morality Play
The background (Christianity and the individual)
Wed. 09/30 no.2 Submit record card.
Discussion of answers to the handout.
Do the Philosophical Health Check
Skills introduced: Jokyu
Download "Jokyu ethics: Handout 2" and write your answers in note form (To see which group you belong to, students in the fourth period class should go here, and students in the fifth period class should go here.)
Start to write the Short Paper(deadline for plan Class
4, deadline for first draft Class 6)
Fri. 10/02 no.3

Discussion of answers to the handout.

Brief explanation of "Human relationships"

Download "Jokyu ethics: Handout 3" and prepare your answers.(To see which group you belong to, students in the fourth period class should go here, and students in the fifth period class should go here.)
Choose an ethical problem for your paper and write a plan.

Human relationships  Wed. 10/07 no.4 Peer review of plans for the short paper.
Check comprehension of what you have read and discuss the contents (focussing on the section of "The way we are now" and the textbook pp. 52-55).
Skills introduced: Jokyu presentations (Including explanation of the Plan for the First Presentation)

Think about possible topics for your 1st presentation and your term paper/2nd presentation

Fri. 10/09 no.5
(If you wish to rewrite as a result of the peer evaluation, please mail it to me on Saturday.)

Continue the discussion of what you have read (focussing on abortion and its alternatives).

Decide activity for Class no. 6

Session #6. Finish first draft of Short Paper

(Instructions for Class no. 6 will be uploaded after the class)

Start to prepare for your first presentation (Deadline for plan, Class no. 9)
Wed. 10/14 no.6 Peer evaluation of Short Paper
Role play or discussion, probably about abortion.

Download "Jokyu ethics: Handout 4" and prepare your answers.(For the groups: )
Families and the ageing society

Fri. 10/16 no.7
Peerview the summary of pp. 68-69. Check the comprehension of what you have read and discuss the contents (focussing on partnerships, marriage and divorce.

Select topic for role play?
Continue your work on choosing topics. (Do some reading in order to obtain basic knowledge.)
Wed. 10/21 no.8 Feedback on Short Paper
Continue to discuss what you have read (focussing on families and euthanasia.

Decide activity for Class no. 9

Rewrite of Short Paper 1 (deadline 10/23)
Note: Submit your first draft as well!

Prepare for the activity.
Fri. 10/23 no.9 Peer review of first presentation plans.

Role play (probably on euthanasia).

Skills introduced: How to plan and write a term paper (Explanation of Term Paper Plans A and B)
Term Paper Plan A (deadline 11/06)

Download "Jokyu ethics: Handout 5" and prepare your answers.(For the groups: )
Prejudice and discrimination
Wed. 10/28 no.10 Check the comprehension of what you have read and discuss the contents .
What do you need to do?
Fri.10/30 no.11 Continue to discuss what you have read...
Select topic for role play

Prepare for the role play
Wed. 11/04 no.12 Role play on discrimination

Discuss how to approach the rest of the topics.

Complete Term Paper Plan A
First presentations Fri. 11/06 no.13 First presentations, Part 1.
Questions and answers.

(Peer review of term paper plans if time)
Wed. 11/11 no.14 First presentations, Part 2.
Questions and answers.
Feedback on Term Paper Plan A.

If necessary, rewrite Term Paper Plan A (and send to me by e-mail as soon as possible).

Wed.11/25 no.15
First presentations, Part 3.
Questions and answers.

Read the sections on
Wealth and Poverty and research as instructed.
Prepare for vocabulary test
Fri. 11/27 no.16 First presentations, Part 3.
Questions and answers.

Start to work on term paper (deadline for first draft 12/21)
Wealth and Poverty

Wed.12/02 no.17 Skills introduced: How to use the Internet for research; How to avoid plagiarism, and how to quote
Check comprehension of the textbook and discuss the contents.


More reading?
Fri. 12/04 no.18 Activities to be decided.
Explanation of Term Paper Plan B
Prepare to submit Term Paper Plan B.
Wed.12/09 no.19 Activities to be decided
Read the section on War and Peace
War and Peace  Fri. 12/11 no.20 Check comprehension of the textbook and discuss the contents.

(Bring at least one of the sources for your term paper to the next class, so that you can practice how to cite correctly.)
Wed.12/16 no.21 Activities to be decided
Skills introduced: Methods of Citation

Citation practice.
Prepare for role play/discussion
Fri. 12/18 no.22 Activities to be decided
Citation practice
Complete your first draft. (Submit some paragraphs + the overall plan even if the draft is not complete.)

   Fri.12/25 no.23 Peer evaluation and submission of first drafts of term paper. Christmas-related activities  Continue to work on your term paper (and start preparing for your final presentation? See How to turn a paper into a presentation).
Read the sections on Crime and Punishment and research as instructed.

Crime and Punishment   Wed.01/06 no.24 Feedback on your first draft.
Check comprehension of the textbook and discuss the contents.

Fri. 01/08
Skills introduced: How to turn a paper into a presentation.Activites to be decided.
Wed. 01/13 no.26 Activities to be decided.
Arrangements for returning first drafts/feedback, and for presentation schedule

  Fri. 01/15 no.27 1st session of final presentations
Continue to work on your term paper.
Prepare final presentation
Wed. 01/20 no.28 2nd session of final presentations Details of how to submit the final draft of the term paper (and the first draft!

To view the outline.
To view the guidelines.