現代英語には,多くの同音異綴(語) (homophony) のペアがある.異なる語であるとはいえ意味も互いに似ているものが多く,しばしば学習しにくい.以下は,Crystal (81) より持ってきたものだが,いずれも(ほぼ)同音異綴語を含む例文である.各組において,どちらが文脈上・文法上適切な語か指摘できるだろうか.解答はソースHTMLを参照.
(1a) Did they all accept/except?
(1b) Everyone accept/except John left?
(2a) Did we prophecy/prophesy the right result?
(2b) It was a rotten prophecy/prophesy.
(3a) Has he made any allusions/illusions to the problem?
(3b) He's under no allusions/illusions about its difficulty
(4a) I want to amend/emend what I wrote.
(4b) I want to amend/emend my ways.
(5a) She was born/borne through the crowds.
(5b) She was born/borne in 1568.
(6a) That will complement/compliment your shirt nicely.
(6b) Thank you for your complement/compliment.
(7a) Someone's complained to the council/counsel.
(7b) You should take some council/counsel about that.
(8a) You need a new licence/license for that hamster.
(8b) I'll licence/license it next week.
(9a) Look at that fantastic lightning/lightening.
(9b) I think the sky's lightning/lightening now.
(10a) I need some more stationary/stationery.
(10b) That car's stationary/stationery.
(11a) I'm the principle/principal speaker.
(11b) I'm going to stick to my principles/principals.
(12a) I'm going to do some sowing/sewing in the sitting room.
(12b) I'm going to do some sowing/sewing in the long field.
関連して,「#286. homonymy, homophony, homography, polysemy」 ([2010-02-07-1]),「#2097. 表語文字,同音異綴,綴字発音」 ([2015-01-23-1]),「#2432. Bolinger の視覚的形態素」 ([2015-12-24-1]) を参照.
・ Crystal, David. The English Language. 2nd ed. London: Penguin, 2002.
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