
#5315. 用語辞典でみる diglossia (3)[terminology][diglossia][bilingualism][sociolinguistics][hel_education][greek]


 「#5306. 用語辞典でみる diglossia (1)」 ([2023-11-06-1]),「#5311. 用語辞典でみる diglossia (2)」 ([2023-11-11-1]) に引き続き,diglossia (二言語変種使い分け)を考える.今回は Crystal の用語辞典より当該項目の解説を引く.

diglossia (n.) A term used in SOCIOLINGUISTICS to refer to a situation where two very different VARIETIES of a LANGUAGE CO-OCCUR throughout a SPEECH community, each with a distinct range of social function. Both varieties are STANDARDIZED to some degree, are felt to be alternatives by NATIVE-SPEAKERS and usually have special names. Sociolinguists usually talk in terms of a high (H) variety and a low (L) variety, corresponding broadly to a difference in FORMALITY: the high variety is learnt in school and tends to be used in church, on radio programmes, in serious literature, etc., and as a consequence has greater social prestige; the low variety tends to be used in family conversations, and other relatively informal settings. Diglossic situations may be found, for example, in Greek (High: Katharevousa; Low: Dhimotiki), Arabic (High: Classical; Low: Colloquial), and some varieties of German (H: Hochdeutsch; L: Schweizerdeutsch, in Switzerland). A situation where three varieties or languages are used with distinct functions within a community is called triglossia. An example of a triglossic situation is the use of French, Classical Arabic and Colloquial Tunisian Arabic in Tunisia, the first two being rated H and the Last L.

 典型的な事例としてアラビア語や(スイス)ドイツ語に加えて,ギリシア語の Katharevusa (古代ギリシャ語に範を取った文語体)と Dhimotiki (自然発達した通俗体)を挙げているのは貴重である(cf. 「#1454. ギリシャ語派(印欧語族)」 ([2013-04-20-1])).

 ・ Crystal, David, ed. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2008. 295--96.

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