
#5228. 古英語の人名の愛称には2重子音が目立つ[oe][anglo-saxon][onomastics][name_project][personal_name][consonant][phonetics][shortening][hypocorism][germanic][sound_symbolism]


 古英語の人名の愛称 (hypocorism) の特徴は何か,という好奇心をくするぐる問いに対して,Clark (459--60) が先行研究を参考にしつつ,おもしろいヒントを与えてくれている.主に音形に関する指摘だが,重子音 (geminate) が目立つのだという.

Clearly documented hypocoristics often show modified consonant-patterns . . . . Thus, the familiar form Saba (variant: Sæba) by which the sons of the early-seventh-century King Sǣbeorht (Saberctus) of Essex called their father showed the first element of the full name extended by the initial consonant of the second, in a way perhaps implying that medial consonants following a stressed syllable may have been ambisyllabic . . . . In the Germanic languages generally, a consonant-cluster formed at the element-junction of a compound name was often simplified in the hypocoristic form to a geminate, Old English examples including the masc. Totta < Torhthelm, the fem. Cille < Cēolswīð, and also the masc. Beoffa apparently derived from Beornfrið . . . .

 重子音化や子音群の単純化といえば,日本語の「さっちゃん」「よっちゃん」「もっくん」「まっさん」等々を想起させる.日本語の音韻論では重子音(促音)そのものの生起が比較的限定されているといってよいが,名前やその愛称などにはとりわけ多く用いられているような印象がある.音象徴 (sound_symbolism) の観点から,何らかの普遍的な説明は可能なのだろうか.

 ・ Clark, Cecily. "Onomastics." The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vol. 1. Ed. Richard M. Hogg. Cambridge: CUP, 1992. 452--89.

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