
#795. インターネット時代は言語変化の回転率の最も速い時代[speed_of_change][language_change][internet][netspeak][pde_language_change]


 インターネットの到来により,言語の使用のあらゆる次元における慣習が変化しつつある.関連語彙の増殖はもとより,NetSpeak に特有の書記習慣の発達,簡略化した文法の多用,新しい語用慣習の模索など,近年の通信技術の発展にともなう言語変化の回転率は,人類の言語史上,最も著しいものといえる.そして,この技術革新にとりわけ大きな影響を受けているのが,英語であることは疑いを容れない.
 やや長いが,Crystal, The English Language の第8章 "The Effect of Technology" の最終段落を引用する.

The speed with which Internet usages are taken up is unprecedented in language change --- another manifestation of the influence of the technology on English. Traditionally, a new word entering the language would take an appreciable time --- typically a decade or two --- before it became so widely used that it would be noted in dictionaries. But in the case of the Internet, a new usage can travel the world and receive repeated exposure within a few days. It is likely that the pace of language change will be much increased through this process. Moreover, as word-inventors all over the world now have a global audience at their disposal, it is also likely that the amount of linguistic innovation will increase. Not by any means all innovations will become a permanent feature of the English language; but the turnover of candidates for entry at any one time is certainly going to be greater than at any stage in the past. Nor is it solely a matter of new vocabulary, new spellings, grammatical constructions, patterns of discourse, and regional preferences (intranational and international) can also be circulated at an unprecedented rate, with consequences that as yet cannot be anticipated. (140)


 ・ Crystal, David. The English Language. 2nd ed. London: Penguin, 2002.

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