Aug 14, 1994 born in Japan
2013-2017 Department of Biological Chemistry and Food Sciences of Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
2017-2019 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Master's Program), Iwate University
2019-2022 Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Technology (Ph. D. Program), Keio University
2020-2021 Research Associate (fixed term/research incentive), Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University, Japan
2021-2023 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2)
2023-present Research Associate (non-tenured),, Department of Chemitry, Keio University, Japan
(1) JANBR Poster Award, 18th seminar of The Japanese Association for the Pursuit of New Bioactive Resources (June 2019)
(2) Outstanding Achievement Award at the 67th Toxin Symposium (September 2021)
(3) Incentive Award at 63th Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products (September 2021)
(4) 40th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists (February 2024)