Last Updated on May 12, 2017

Tuesday, April 18, 2017:

1. Read Chapter 14 of Gallo (2010) and finish the homework sheet. You need to watch the TED presentation by Dr. Amy Cuddy on body language to finish this homework (Question 3). Note that you do not have to read the information in the tables and the boxed columns to answer the questions in the worksheet. As I will ask some of you to read the chapter aloud in Class #2, read this chapter aloud at least once before you come to this class.

Friday, April 21, 2017:

I am terribly sorry, but this class has been canceled as I have a flu. So you will give your self-introduction next week on Tuesday. Also, according to our class handout, p. 2, you were suposed to buy the Japan Times for tomorrow, April 22, but do NOT buy it.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017:

1. Use "Self-introduction Worksheet" and prepare for your first presentation; Self-introduction with special focus on body language. Introduce yourself to your classmates like Steve Jobs!

Friday, April 28, 2017:

1. Go to the train station near your house and buy a copy of the Japan Times (JT) at its news stand on April 26, 2017. Note that the JT is a morning paper and you can buy it only in the morning. If you should forget to buy the paper on Wednesday, use the JT at the Hiyoshi Library for the homework below. Yet, as we will keep using it in the next few classes, contact the JT's sales department and get a copy either at their main office in Tamachi or through Asahi Shimbun's home delivery stations (ASA) near your house (IF your family subscribe to Asahi or Nikkei).
2. Use this Japan Times and finish the homework (HO, pp. 3-4).
3. Read HO, pp. 5-6. (Some of your classmates told me that I might not have given this handout to you in the last class. Here is the handout. You may download and print it out from here. I will give it to you in the next class too.)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017:

1. Read Handout (pp. 5-6) and review characteristics of newspaper English.
2. Finish Handout (pp. 7-8) by May 9.
3. Read Steps 1 and 2 of the MOP (the first presentation) on pp. 9-11 and start thinking about your MOP little by little.
4. Look at the schedule section of our homepage and think about your presentation schedule. We will decide the dates of your first presentations in this class. Bring your schedule book.
5. You have already received quite a few handouts. Sort them all according to their page numbers and check to see if you have the following handouts: pp. 1-2, 5-6, 6b, 7-18, 18b, 22-35..

Important Note about Topic Selection for Your MOP

The theme of our English seminar is "current topics about Japan." Therefore, you must select a news article about Japan or Japanese persons for your first presentation (MOP).

Note about the Japan Times you bought on Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Do not throw it away, as we will use it again in the next few classes.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017:

1. Finish homework on characteristics of newspaper English (HO, pp. 7-8 based on HO, pp. 5-6).
2. Bring the Japan Times you bought on Wednesday, April 26.
3. Look at the Schedule section of our homepage and check your own preparation schedule for your MOPs. If you find any errors there, report them to me by email.
Ishiken: Send the email about your first presentation (MOP) ASAP! Your precious preparation time is getting shorter and shorter. You really need at least two weeks to prepare well for your MOP. Also, you need to make your first handouts for your classmates by Friday. Expect to exchange many emails with me.
Shoto and Ikechan: Your deadline to send the emails about your MOP is BY this class. Do not wait until the deadline comes. If you find a good topic, send it and your five comprehension questions and answers ASAP.

Friday, May 12, 2017:

1. Read Handout, pp. 10-11 and find out what you will do in Step 2 of your MOP.
2. Download the two HW handouts from Žö‹ÆŽx‰‡ of and finish them. These handouts were made by students who took this seminar last year. These handouts will help you understand how to make five comprehension questions and how to use them during your MOP.
Ishiken: Bring your first handouts, so that your classmates can start preparing for your MOP.
Yu: You have not given me your email address yet. Send your email to me ASAP.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017:

1. In this last class before we start MOPs, Mr. Shimura will give his last lecture on giving long presentation. Read Handouts, pp. 13-14, 22-34 and review presentation skills you learned in Study Skills.