Last Updated on December 18, 2009

DATE CONTENT Handouts STEP 1: Preparation for OPs STEPS 3 & 4: Deadlines after OPs
Deadline for Sending E-mail to Mr. Shimura for Your OP Deadline for Giving 1st Handouts to Class Objective Evaluation Term Paper
9/25 1. Introduction to English Seminar I: Presentation on Current Topics.
2. Scheduling Pesentations #1
3. Class Picture Taking for Our Web Site
Student Info Sheet, pp. 1-2 Kawabe, Maniwa
9/30 1. Review of Class #1
2. Intro. to Newspaper English, I
3. Intro. to Longer Presentation, I
pp. 1-6b, 9-10, 13-14. Koizumi, Minami, Kumono
10/2 1. Review of Class #2
2. Intro. to Newspaper English, II
3. Introduction Longer Presentation, II: CONTENT of OP#1s
4. Preparation for OP#1s by Kawabe and Maniwa
pp. 5-11, 3b-4b, 13-18 Honma, Sato, Iida, Mano Kawabe, Maniwa
10/7 1 Review: Class #3
2. Introduction to Longer Presentation, III: Presentation SKILLS for OP#1s
3. Preparation for OP#1s by Koizumi, Minami, and Kumono
pp. 9-35. Ikegami,Tomono, Takazawa, Kanbayashi Koizumi, Minami, Kumono
10/9 1. OP#1s
(1) Kawabe (N): "Less work, more play to lift economy: DPP," the Japan Times, September 12, 2009, p. ?.
(2) Maniwa (B): "Cell phone culture here unlike any other," the Japan Times, September 2, 2009, p. 3.
2. Preparation for OP#1s by Honma, Sato, Iida, and Mano
p. 9-35. Fukano, Sawada Honma, Sato, Iida, Mano
10/14 1. OP#1s
(1) Koizumi (N): "'Amakudari' documents set to be turned over," the Japan Times, Septembe 26, 2009, p. 2.
(2) Minami (B): "Aginomoto may go on 100 billion yen M & A spree," the Japan Times, September 26, 2009, p. 7.
(3) Kumono (S): "Ichiro sweeps aside 108-year-old record," the Japan Times, September 15, 2009, p. 1.
2. Preparation for OP#1s by Ikegami, Tomono, Takazawa, and Kanbayashi
pp. 12-14, 36-41. Murakami,Lin, Maruno, Togashi Ikegami, Tomono, Takazawa, Kanbayashi Kawabe, Maniwa
10/16 1. OP#1s
(1) Honma (B): "A united Korea could pass Jpaan: Goldman Sachs," the Japan Times, September 22, 2009, p. 1.
(2) Sato (B): "Japanese bank after Lehman's fall," the Japan Times, September 15, 2009, p. 1.
(3) Iida (B): "Another JAL rehab task force launched," the Japan Times, September 26, 2009, p. 7.
(4) Mano (N): "Okada to meet Chinese, Korean counterparts next week in Shanghai," the Japan Times, September 26, 2009, p. 2.
2. Preparation for OP#1s by Fukano and Sawada
. Ogawa , Kitahara,Kumeta, Kitazawa Fukano, Sawada Koizumi, Minami, Kumono Kawabe, Maniwa
10/21 1. OP#1s
(1) Ikegami (N): "Loan moratorium in works, may last three years: Kamei," the Japan Times, September 20, 2009, p. 2.
(2) Tomono (S): "Ishikawa seizes chance for fourth title of year," the Japan Times, October 5, 2009, p. 16.
(3) Takazawa (B): "Deflation to pester Japan till 2012: IMF," the Japan Times, October 2, 2009, p. 9..
(4) Kanbayashi (B): "Fujii: Don't seek to devalue currencies," the Japan Times, October 7, 2009, p. 7.
2. Preparation for OP#1s by Murakami, Lin, Maruno, and Togashi
. Kasai, Oguchi Murakami, Lin, Maruno, Togashi Honma, Sato, Iida, Mano Koizumi, Minami, Kumono
10/23 1. OP#1s
(1) Fukano (O): "Rescuing the unemployed," the Japan Times, September 15, 2009, p. 10.
(2) Sawada (S): "Ex-Asics shoemaker to the stars seeks to follow in own footsteps," the Japan Times, October 6, 2009, p. 7.
2. Preparation for OP#1s by Ogawa, Kitahara, Kumeta, and Kitazawa
3. Preparation for OP#2s
(1) Scheduling OP#2s
(2) Introduction to OP#2s: Steps 1 and 2
, Fukano, Takazawa Ogawa , Kitahara, Kumeta, Kitazawa Ikegami, Tomono, Takazawa, Kanbayashi Honma, Sato, Iida, Mano
10/28 1. OP#1s
(1) Murakami (O): "Depression and suicide," the Japan Times, October 8, 2009, p. 12.
(2) Lin (B): "Yen rise aiding S. Korea rivals: Sony," the Japan Times, October 8, 2009, p. 7.
(3) Maruno (B): "Nintendo reduces price of Wii in attempt to keep lead on rivals," the Japan Times, Septermbe 25, 2009, p. 7.
(4) Togashi (N) PPD to November 4 for Flu.
2. Preparation for OP#1s by Kasai and Oguchi
pp. 42-49. Fukano, Takazawa Kasai, Oguchi Fukano, Sawada Ikegami, Tomono, Takazawa, Kanbayashi
10/30 1. OP#1s
(1) Ogawa (N): "East Asia's leaders unite on North," the Japan Times, October 11, 2009, pp. 1-2.
(2) Kitahara (B): "Dollar may hit 50 yen, lose reserve status," the Japan Times, October 16, 2009, p. 9.
(3) Kumeta (B): "Consumer subsidy plan on hold," the Japan Times, October 14, 2009, p. 8.
(4) Kitazawa (B): "Ministers try to soothe Chiba over Haneda plan," the Japan Times, October 14, 2009, p. 8.
2. Preparation for OP#1s by Fukano and Takazawa
.. Sato, Kumono, Ogawa Fukano, Takazawa Murakami, Lin, Maruno, Togashi Fukano, Sawada
11/4 1. OP#1s
(1) Kasai (B): "Ministers try to soothe Chiba over Haneda plan," the Japan Times, October 14, 2009, p. 8.
(2) Oguchi (O): "Pulling out all the stops for an Olympic bid," the Japan Times, October 19, 2009, p12.
(3) PPD OP#1 by Togashi (N): "Program offers would-be farmers, city slickers a states of country life," the Japan Times, September 26, 2009, p. ?
2. Preparation for OP#2s by Sato, Kumono, and Ogawa
Ikegami, Oguchi, Mano (Early Deadline due to Mita Festival Break)
Sato, Kumono, Ogawa Ogawa , Kitahara, Kumeta, Kitazawa Murakami, Lin, Maruno, Togashi
11/6 No Class
Kitazwa, Honma, Maruno (Early Deadline due to Mita Festival Break)
11/11 1. OP#2s
(1) Fukano (O): "CO2 emission cuts doable," the Japan Times, October 11, 2009, p. 12.
(2) Takazawa (N/B): "Ministry cancels bidding for main part of Yamba Dam," the Japan Times, October 3, 2009, p. 9.
2. Preparation for OP#2s by Ikegami, Oguchi, and Mano
pp. 42-49. Ikegami, Oguchi, Mano Kasai, Oguchi Ogawa , Kitahara, Kumeta, Kitazawa
11/13 1. OP#2s
(1) Sato (B): "China may pass Japan in nominal GDP soon," the Japan Times Online, April 7, 2008.
(2) Kumono (B): PPD to December 18 for health reason.
(3) Ogawa (N): "Asian summit mulls reginal framework," the Japan Times, October 25, 2009, pp. 1-2.
2. Preparation for OP#2s by Kitazawa, Honma, and Maruno
Kanbayashi, Sawada, Minami (Early Deadline due to Mita Festival Break)
Kitahara, Kumeta, Murakami (Early Deadline due to Mita Festival Break)
Kitazawa, Honma, Maruno Fukano, Takazawa Kasai, Oguchi
11/25 1. OP#2s
(1) Ikegami (S): "Kim dominates field in Paris," the Japan Times, October 1, 2009, p. 16.
(2) Oguchi (B): "Tokyo needs to get over the G-8," the Japan Times, October 27, 2009, p. 12.
(3) Mano (N): PPD to December 18, 2009.
2. Preparation for OP#2s by Kanbayashi, Sawada, and Minami
Kasai,Lin, Togashi Kanbayashi, Sawada, Minami Sato, Kumono, Ogawa
11/27 1. OP#2s
(1) Kitazawa (B): "Purchanse of solar power accelerated," the Japan Times, November 2, 2009, p. 8.
(2) Honma (B): "Freeing up local government," the Japan Times, November 3, 2009, p. 12.
(3) Maruno (B): "Japan, U.S. business leaders call for closer economic ties in Asia," the Japan Times, November 5, 2009, p. 7.
2. Preparation for OP#2s by Kitahara, Kumeta, and Murakami
Kawabe, Iida, Maniwa Kitahara, Kumeta, Murakami Ikegami, Oguchi, Mano
1. OP#2s
(1) Kanbayashi (B): "Hike tax in tobacco: Hatoyama," the Japan Times, October 31, 2009, p. 7
(2) Sawada (N): "Private high school tuition waivers eyed," the Japan Times, October 24, 2009, p. 2.
(3) Minami (N): "Sakai is handed a suspended 18-month prison term," the Japan Times, November 10, 2009, p. ?.
2. Preparation for OP#2s by Ksai, Lin, and Togashi
Koizumi Kasai, Lin, Togashi Kitazawa, Honma, Maruno
1. OP#2s
(1) Kitahara (B): "KDDI may miss profit and sales targets, CFO Nagano says," the Japan Times, Novembe 11, 2009, p. 9.
(2) Kumeta (B): "Instead of bifocals, how about bilinguals?," the Japan Times, November 6, 2009, p. 9.
(3) Murakami (N): "Unemployment rate unexpectedly eases to 5.3%," the Japan Times, October 31, 2009, p. 1.
2. Preparation for OP#2s by Kawabe, Iida, and Maniwa
Kawabe, Iida, Maniwa Kanbayashi, Sawada, Minami
1. OP#2s
(1) Kasai (N): "Ministry coaching budget screeners," the Japan Times, November 19, 2009, p. 7.
(2) Lin (B): "Prius remains top seller in Japan," the Japan Times, November 7, 2009, p. 7.
(3) Togashi (N): "Soldier decries hit-and-run pobe," the Japan Times, November 18, 2009, p. 2.
2. Last Preparation for OP#2s by Koizumi
Koizumi Kitahara, Kumeta, Murakami
1. OP#2s
(1) Kawabe (N): "41-year-old McDonald's employee died of ovework, labor office says," the Japan Times, October 29, 2009, p. 3.
(2) Iida (B): "JAL records 131 billion yen loss," the Japan Times, November 2, 2009, p. 7.
(3) Maniwa (): "Japanese women still hitting a glass and bamboo ceiling in the boardroom," the Japan Times, p. ?.
Kasai, Lin, Togashi
1. OP#2s
(1) Koizumi (N): "U.S. asks Tokyo to pay 1 billion yen or F-35 details," the Japan Times Online, October 4, 2009.
(2) PPD OP#2 by Mano (N): "DPJ unfazed by U.S. stand on Futenma," the Japan Times, October 23, 2009, p. 1.
(3) PPD OP#2 by Kumono (B): "Fast Retailing sees 25% profit boost from Uniqlo in '09," the Japan Times, October 1, 2009, p. 9.
Kawabe, Iida, Maniwa
1/6 Last Class
1. Last OP#2s:
(1) PPD OP#2 by Kasai (N): "Ministry coaching budget screeners," the Japan Times, November 19, 2009, p. 7.
(2) PPD OP#2 by Iida (B): "JAL records 131 billion yen loss," the Japan Times, November 2, 2009, p. 7.
2. Deadline for Term Paper #2
Koizumi All TPs (Except for Kasai and Iida whose deadline is January 13.
NOTES on Abbreviations:
N = National, B = Business, O = Opinion, S = Sports, TBA = To Be Arranged