Last Updated on December 19, 2008
The Final Version!

DATE CONTENT Handouts STEP 1: Preparation for OPs STEPS 3 & 4: Deadlines after OPs
Deadline for Sending E-mail to Mr. Shimura for Your OP Deadline for Giving 1st Handouts to Class Objective Evaluation Term Paper
9/26 1. Introduction to English Seminar I: Presentation on Current Topics.
2. Scheduling Pesentations #1
3. Class Picture Taking for Our Web Site
Student Info Sheet, pp. 1-2 Nakayama and R. Kobayashi . . .
9/29 1. Review of Class #1
2. Intro. to Newspaper English, I
3. Intro. to Longer Presentation, I
pp. 1-6b, 9-10 Naito and Kuba .
10/3 1. Review of Class #2
2. Intro. to Newspaper English, II
3. Introduction Longer Presentation, II: CONTENT of MOPs
4. Preparation for OP#1 by Nakayama and R Kobayashi
pp. 5-11, 3b-4b, 13-18 K. Kobayashi, Hayato Nakamura, Uehara Nakayama and R. Kobayashi
10/6 1 Review: Class #3
2. Introduction to Longer Presentation, III: Presentation SKILLS for MOPs
3. Preparation for OP#1 by Naito and Kuba
pp. 9-35. Narita, Kanna, Otsuka Naito and Kuba
10/10 1. OP#1
(1) Nakayama: "Koizumi confirms plan to retire, pass torch to son," the Japan Times, September 29, 2008, ?.
(2) R. Kobayashi: "Tainted rice used in 102,000 'onigiri'," the Japan Times, September 20, 2008, p. 2.
2. Preparation for OP#1 by K. Kobayashi, Hayato Nakamura, and Uehara
p. 9-35. Hitoshi Nakamura and Sakai K. Kobayashi, Hayato Nakamura, Uehara
10/17 1. OP#1
(1) Naito: "Tourism minister apologizes for gaffes," the Japan Times, September 27, 2008, pp. 1-2.
2. Preparation for OP#1
pp. 12-14, 36-41. Morita, Shimada, Nagai Narita, Kanna, Otsuka Nakayama and R. Kobayashi
10/20 1. OP#1
(1) Kairi Kobayashi: "Japanese scoop up crumbling U.S. firms," the Japan Times, September 24, 2008, p. 1.
2. Preparation for OP#1
. Monma, Katsura, Furukawa Hitoshi Nakamura and Sakai Naito and Kuba
10/24 1. OP#1
(1) Narita: "Politics built on family dynasties," the Japan Times, October 2, 2008, p. 3.
(2) Kanna: "Kaneko to review visa rules," the Japan Times, October 3, 2008, p. 9.
(3) Uehara: "Japan urged to end death penalty," the Japan Times,
2. Preparation for OP#1
. Matsuda, Umetsu, Honda Morita, Shimada, Nagai K. Kobayashi, Hayato Nakamura, Uehara Nakayama and Ren K.
10/27 1. OP#1
(1) Hitoshi Nakamura: "New tourism agency to act as policy 'control tower'," the Japan Times, October 1, 2008, p. 3.
(2) [PPD from 10/20 for technical reason]
Hayato Nakamura: "Tokyo tries to gird for major quake," the Japan Times, October 1, 2008, pp. 1-2.
2. Preparation for OP#1
3. Scheduling OP#2
4. Lecture: Introduction to OP#2
, Monma, Katsura, Furukawa Narita, Kanna, Otsuka Naito
10/31 1. OP#1
(1) Morita: "High school students reluctant to have voting right at 18: poll," the Japan Times, October 19, 2008, p. 2.
(2) Shimada: "Juvenile court opens up for a day," the Japan Times, October 5, 2008, p. 13.
(3) Nagai: "Feline stationmaster boosts local economy," the Japan Times, ?, 2008, p. ?.
pp. 42-49. Ren K. and Naito
Morita and ? (Early Deadline due to a holiday on November 3)
Matsuda, Umetsu, Honda Hitoshi Nakamura and Sakai Kairi
11/6 at Room 435 A

day for
1. OP#1
(1) Katsura: "More schools opening tourism departments," the Japan Times, September 23, 2008, p. 3.
(2) Furukawa: "Ozawa reveals DPJ policy pledges, admonishes Aso," the Japan Times, October 2, 2008, pp. 1-2.
2. Preparation for OP#2 by Ren and Naito
pp. 42-49 Honda and Katsura (Early Deadline due to Mita Festival) Ren K. and Naito Morita, Shimada, Nagai Narita, Kanna, Uehara
No class! This is a backup day for Saturday classes. .
11/10 1. OP#1
(1) Matsuda: "Sony slashes sales and profit forecasts," the Japan Times, October 24, 2008, p. 9.
(2) Umetsu: "Green beans from China found tainted," the Japan Times, Octorber 16, 2008, p. 1.
(3) Honda: "Woman rejected by hospitals dies of brain bleeding;baby safe," the Japan Times, October 23, 2008, p. 1.
(4) [PPD for medical reason from October 31] Otsuka: "Stablemaster ordered beating: Sumo trio," the Japan Times, October 8, 2008, p. 3.
2. Preparation for OP#2 by Morita
Hayato N. and Otsuka (Early Deadline due to Mita Festival) Morita and ? Monma, Katsura, Furukawa Hitoshi and Hayato
11/14 1. OP#2
(1) Ren K.: "Cops deploy at ATMs to avert pension scams," the Japan Times, October 16, 2008, p. 2.
(2) Naito: "Lehman hits vulnerable seniors," the Japan Times, October 31, 2008, p. 3.
2. Preparation for OP#2 by Honda and Katsura
. Honda and Katsura Matsuda, Umetsu, Honda Morita, Shimada, Nagai
11/17 1. OP#2
(1) Morita: "BOJ lowers its key lending rate to 0.3%," the Japan Times, November 1, 2008, pp. 1 and 8.
2. Preparation for OP#2 by Hayto and Otsuka
pp. 42-49 Nagai and Hitoshi N. (Early Deadline due to Mita Festival)

Kanna and Kairi K. (Early Deadline due to Mita Festival)
Hayato N. and Otsuka Ren K. and Naito Katsura, Furukawa
11/28 1. OP#2
(1) Honda: "Obama victory to boost Japan, experts predict," the Japan Times, November 6, 2008, p. ?.
(2) Katsura: "New health insurance system draws protest," the Japan Times, October 23, 2008, p. 2.
2. Preparation for OP#2 by Nagai and Hitoshi
Nakayama and Uehara Nagai and Hitoshi N. Morita and ? Matsuda, Umetsu, Honda, Otsuka
12/1 1. OP#2
(1) Hayato N.: PPD to Dec. 5.
(2) Otsuka: "Towns float Mount Fuji 'entry fee,7" the Japan Times, November 8, 2008, p. 3.
2. Preparation for OP#2 b Kanna and Kairi
Furukawa and Matsuda Kanna and Kairi K. Honda and Katsura .
12/5 1. OP#2
(1) [PPD from Dec. 1 for a medical reason] Hayato N.: "Doshisha student held in pot bust," the Japan Times, November 2, 2008, p. 2.
(2) Nagai: "Crime by elderly has doubled in five years.,"the Japan Times, November 8, 2008, p. 2.
(3) Hitoshi N: "Japan extends claim to undersea territory," the Japan Times, November 1, 2008, p. 3.
2. Preparation for OP#2 by Nakayama and Uehara
Shimada, Narita, and Umetsu Nakayama and Uehara Otsuka
12/8 1. OP#2
(1) Kanna: "Japan’s carbon emissions rise 2.3%, the Japan Times, November 13, 2008, p.1 .
(2) Kairi K.: "Nokia plans cell service here in spring," the Japan Times, November 23, 2008, p. 2.
2. Preparation for OP#2 by Furukawa and Matsuda
Furukawa and Matsuda Hayato, Nagai and Hitoshi N.
12/12 1. OP#2
(1) Nakayama: "Aso puts foot in his mouth twice in one day"," the Japan Times, November 21, 2008, p. 1.
(2) Uehara: "Divorcee sues to register child to real dad," the Japan Times, December 2, 2008, p. 2.
2. Preparation for OP#2 by Shimada, Narita, and Umetsu
Shimada, Narita, and Umetsu Kanna and Kairi K.
12/15 1. OP#2
(1) Furukawa: "Goldman scraps Sanyo talks after Panasonic's low-ball bid,"the Japan Times, November 25, 2008, p. 9.
Nakayama and Uehara
12/19 1. OP#2
(1) Shimada: "Train drags, severely hurts blind storyteller," the Japan Times, December 3, 2008, p. 2.
(2) Narita: "Communications minister backs mobile ban atschools," the Japan Times, December 9, 2008, p. 2.
(3) Umetsu: "Diet tightens laws on knives, guns," the Japan Times, November 29, 2008, p. 2.
Furukawa and Matsuda
12/22 No Class . . . .
1/9 Last Class
1. Review
(1) Umetsu
(2) Narita
(3) Shimada
2. Summary of This Seminar
. . . Shimada, Narita, and Umetsu All TP#2!
NOTES on Abbreviations:
N = National, B = Business, W = World, AP = Asia-Pacific, O = Opinion, S = Sports, TBA = To Be Arranged