SCHEDULE, 2007-2008

4/17 1. Game "Find someone who..."
2. Introduction to TEFL.
3. Class Picture Taking for Our Web Site
4. Homework Assingment
. pp. 1-2. .
4/24 1. Review of Class #1
2. Small Group Discussion: Why Do We Have to Study English?
3. Aims/Goals of English Education in Japan
4. Course of Study 1
Chapters 1-3 pp. 3-5 1. Read Textbook, Chapters 1-3.
2. Prepare for the small group discussion.
3. Read the Course of Study.
5/1 1. Review: Class #2
2. Course of Study 2: English in Junior High School
3. Teaching/Learning Materials 1: Junior High School Textbook Analyses
Chapter 3 pp. 4-6 1. Read Textbook, Chapters 1-3, 6, and 9.
2. Read the Course of Study and compare its content with high school English education you experienced as a student.
5/8 1. Review: Class #3
2. Course of Study 3: English in High School
3. Teaching/Learning Materials 2
Chapters 16-17 pp. 7- 1. Read the Course of Study for High School
2. Start reading Chapters 16 and 17 of our course textbook.