SCHEDULE, 2006-2007

4/11 1. Game "Find someone who..."
2. Self-introduction, Part I
3. Intro. to TEFL (Advanced)
4. Homework Assignment
Reference books on becoming public high school teachers. pp. 1-3 .
4/18 1. Self-introdution, Part II
2. Review of 4/11 Class
3. Preparation for Student Teaching
4. Lecture on writing teaching plans
5. Scheduling (Analyses of Student Teaching Plans)
6. Taking class picture for our web site.
実習ハンドブック(Ch. 1), アクションリサーチ (pp. 53-60),
Class handouts (pp. 1-3, 13, 14-17), an example teaching plan by Ms. Kumagai, vocabulary tests. 1. Prepare for Self-introduction, Part II
2. Handouts, pp. 4-5.
3. Get info about your student teaching
4. Read 『英語科教育実習ハンドブック』, Ch. 1
5. Read 『アクションリサーチ』, pp. 53-60
4/25 1. Self-introduction, Part III
2. Review: Class on 4/18
3. Analyses of Teaching Plan by Okubo
. Teaching plan by Ms. Okubo. 1. Mr. Endo: Prepare for self-introduction, Part III
2. Finish all vocabulary tests and calculate your vocabulary size by 5/2.
3. You will receive Ms. Okubo's teaching plan on Monday, April 24. Evaluate it with the checklist on p. 13 of our class handout.
4. Review TEFL by working on Handout, pp.4-5.
5/2 1. Analyses of Student Teaching Plans by:
(1) Kumagai
(2) Kawauchi
現行中学校学習指導要領・同解説 Teaching plans by Kumagai and Kawauchi.
Class handouts, 6-8, 18.
1 Deadline for vocabulary tests.
2. Review TEFL by working on Handout, pp. 4-5.
5/9 1. Analyses of Student Teaching Plans by:
(1) Aoyagi
(2) Nakajima
. Teaching plans by Aoyagi and Nakajima.
Class handouts,
1.Review TEFL by working on Handouts, pp. 6-8.
5/16 1. Analyses of Teaching Plan by:
(1) Iwata
(2) Endo
5/23 1. TEFL Review on Course of Study for High School 現行高等学校学習指導要領・同解説.
5/30 1. TEFL Review
6/6 1. Presentation of Steps 1 and 2a of Action Research:
(1) Okubo
2. TEFL Review
6/13 Individual Consultation by Appointment
6/20 Canceled.
6/27 1. Review
2. Presentation of Steps 1 and 2a of Action Research:
(1) Kawauchi
(2) Nakajima
7/4 1. Review
2. Presentation of Steps 1 and 2a of Action Research:
(1) Iwata
(2) Endo
7/11 1. Review
2. Presentation of Steps 1 and 2a of Action Research:
(1) Kumagai
(2) Aoyagi
Fall Semester
9/26 1. Intro. to Fall Semester
2. Scheduling Presentations and Demo Lessons
10/3 Individual Consultations
(1) Kawauchi on Classroom English
(2) Nakajima on In-class Reveiw
(3) Kumagai on Feedback after Tests/Exercises/etc.
10/10 1. Oral Presentations
(1) Okbo
(2) Iwata
(3) Nakajima
10/17 1. Oral Presentations
(1) Aoyagi
(2) Kawauchi
(3) Kumagai
(4) Endo
10/24 1. Demo Lesson (DL)
(1) Okubo
2. Feedback on DL
3. Oral Presentation by Kumagai
10/31 1. Demo Lesson (DL)
(1) Kawauchi
2. Feedback on DL
3. Oral Presentation by Endo
11/7 1. Demo Lesson (DL)
(1) Endo
2. Feedback on DL
11/14 1. Demo Lesson (DL)
(1) Iwata
2. Feedback on DL
11/28 1. Demo Lesson (DL)
(1) Nakajima
2. Feedback on DL
12/5 1. Demo Lesson (DL)
(1) Aoyagi
2. Feedback on DL
12/12 1. Demo Lesson (DL)
(1) Kumagai
2. Feedback on DL
12/19 TBA
1/9 Final Class
Deadline for Term Paper