- For the class on 04/19/2002:
- Homework
- Buy a copy of the Japan Times on the morning of Tuesday,
April 16, 2002.
- Finish pp. 5-6 of our handouts.
- Look at Section 2 of our homepage and check your presentation
dates. If you find any error, report it to Mr. Shimura.
- If your first presentation is schedule for early in May (i.e.,
May 10 or 13), go to Hiyoshi library and look at the latest Japan
Times. Copy a couple of news stories you want to give a presentation
about and show them to your instructor.
- 04/22/2002:
- Note that we will use Room 334 for this class.
- Bring "Speeking of Speech," the SS textbook for
the presentation skills.
- 04/26/2002:
- I am worried about your preparation for your first presentations
(MOPs). Nobody has sent me emails about the MOPs yet. Although
I told you to send me emails about two weeks before your MOP
date, it is absolutely OK to do so at any time!!! Since I usually
receive about 30 emails from students everyday, it takes
a couple days for me to reply to your emails.
- Since my schedule is as tight as many of you, I cannot accept
any homework or assingments AFTER their deadlines.
- Note to Mr. Ookubo and Mr. Tanaka who will give their
MOPs on May 10: Send information about your presentation to Mr.
Shimura by email as soon as possible. Also make and bring 31
copies of your first handouts to this class, so that your classmates
can prepare for your presentation during the Golden Week break.
This class is the deadline for your handouts #1!!!
- Note to Ms. K. Ishii and Mr. Shibusa: Come to this
class to pick up the first handouts for the MOPs scheduled for
May 10.
- Homework:
- Finish the homework about how to use our Hiyoshi library
(Handouts, pp. 3-4).
- Finish pp. 9-10 of our handouts.
- Too many of you prepare for your first
presentations (MOPs) WITHOUT READING THE HANDOUTS about how to
prepare for these presentations. These handouts contain minimum
info about our class, and you cannot survive in this class without
reading them. Please read them carefully BEFORE you send me your
first email. OK? Good luck with your MOPs!!!
- Also, too many of you send me emails
AFTER your deadlines. After the GW break, all of us will become
very busy with classes. Although I have enough time to help you
BEFORE the deadlines, I just do not have any time to look at
your emails AFTER deadlines. Also, I strongly believe that you
need at least two weeks of preparation time to give a good MOP.
Please check your presentation date and send me emails BEFORE
your deadlines, so that you can have enough time for preparation
and rehearsals.
- 05/06/2002:
- Deadline for the emails for Murashima,
Yoshino, Soejima, and Takizawa.
- 05/10/2002:
- Homework:
- Preparation for the MOPs for this class.
- PowerPoint Slides for Self-introduction
- When you save the PowerPoint slide in your floppy disk, use
your last name as its file name.
- NOTE: We are going to upload these slides onto our web site.
So do not write such personal information as your home address,
telephone number, and so on.
- Note to Nishimura, Kudo, Goto, Suwa, Shimizu, Shibusa,
Uchida, and Takayama: This class is the deadline for your
Handouts #1. Bring 31 copies of this handout to this class, so
that your classmates can prepare for your MOPs.
- Sorry that we have to cancel today's class for my health problem.
- Since our schedle is tight, we will follow our schedule (see Section 3 of our homepage) and have the four MOPs on Friday. Since they are all "postponed" presentations, you must have their first handouts. Please prepare well for them.
- As for Mr. Ishii's presentation which is scheduled for today (June 3), we must move it to a later date. I am terribly sorry for Mr. Ishii. Mr. Ishii, can we move it to either June 10 or 14? Please send me an email as soon as possible and tell me on which day you would like to give your MOP.