.shew The output of the script hc_grep "(?i)\b(ss?c?h|ss)ew(?!er)[^tlr]" detail has been manually sorted. ..select B from TABLE where C like 'O%1' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'O%2' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'O%3' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'O%4' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'M%1' CMTRINIT(10696): e synnes. and bimurnen hem sore. and shewen hem at shrifte. and beten hem swo +te CMTRINIT(12594): terutrum peccata uestra et cetera.\) shewe+d # giwer sinnes on o+der stede. and aw CMTRINIT(12669): and awich o+der stede age we hem to shewen. vre drihten us sei+d on +te godspelle CMTRINIT(13034): e hem alse he # do+d us nu. go+d and shewe+d giu giuwer prest. prestes we shewed u CMTRINIT(13071): shewe+d giu giuwer prest. prestes we shewed us # +tanne seien hem ure ateliche sin CMTRINIT(13250): him. # gif we hauen on ure +toht to shewen him ure sinnes. and forleten. # and be CMTRINIT(13576): no +ting of +te so+de # forlete. ac shewen +tere openliche wich he is. and gif hi CMTRINIT(13791): d smeihliche bicharede. # and gif we shewe+d +tus ure sinnes. +tenne muge we fulli CMTRINIT(13876): ben shrifene. ac fewe ben +tat +tus shewen heore sinnes. and +tat # is long on fe CMTRINIT(15892): of his sinne. +tanne he hem # prest shewe+d; hit is +te biginnigge of fremfulle s CMTRINIT(18710): ure sinnes to forleten. # and prest shewen. and wise us. and filste hem to beten. CMTRINIT(20957): hie him swich segen seint ambrosius shewed +tus; and sei+d. (\Uerbis ut essent pr ..select B from TABLE where C like 'M%2' CMALISAU(24607): is ywrite +tat euery +ting Hym-self shewe+t in +te tastyng. So it is of lewed and CMALISAU(24670): it is of lewed and clerk - Hym-self shewe+t in his werk. +Te kyng see+t +tat no k CMALISAU(36424): +t Kyng Alisaunder ouere al Ynde, To shewe hym +te merueilynges Of men, of bestes, CMALISAU(58741): liche. She led hym to one stage, And shewed hym an ymage, And seide: 'Alisaunder, CMAYENBI(1561): igge gledliche / an ofte. And uor to ssewy / +tet god +te uader ous yhyer+t wel zo CMAYENBI(6669): ge ine cristnynge.

Nou ous ssewe+t / huer-of +tis word / oure. +te large CMAYENBI(8571): ater noster. +Tis word / 'oure': ous ssewe+t +tet god is oure: yef we wylle+t. and CMAYENBI(9058): o+tre boc of +te la+ge. +tet god him ssewede to Moyses ine ane helle / and him zed CMAYENBI(10316): uele we uinde+t of wordes / +tet ous ssewe+t huet +tet hit bi of him. Ac +ter ne i CMAYENBI(12787): huer he wone+t. +Tet uerste word ous ssewe+t +te langnesse of his eurebleuinge. +t CMAYENBI(14724): / (\sanctificetur nomen tuum\) . we ssewe+t to oure guode uader corteysliche oure CMAYENBI(18920): +tyesternesses of +te herte. and him ssewe+t his zennes / and his defautes / zuo + CMAYENBI(19096): t wy+t-oute tale. Ase +te zonne byam ssewe+t his motes / and +tet doust +tet bye+t CMAYENBI(19186): ine +te house. Efterward he him eft ssewe+t of o+tre half na+gt wy+t-oute more +t CMAYENBI(33128): +gte and uol of wytte. +Tes gost him ssewe+t huet he is. and ine huet peril he is. CMAYENBI(43244): enzed: +tet ich habbe hier be-uore y-ssewed / huer +tet is spek of +te wyttes of + CMAYENBI(54442): issiggeres / and maki his stille and ssewy semblont +tet me ne hier+t his na+gt bl CMBEVIS(10094): to-hewe, A +tou+gte to his moder hem schewe, And so a dede. At +te laste him gan ad CMEARLPS(10435): +gt as water ernand; our Lord shal # shewe his my+gt, +terwyles +tat hij ben made CMEARLPS(11947): mercy shal come to-fore me. 11. God shewed mi+gt to me vp myn enemys; Lord, ne sl CMEARLPS(12289): nge and of her lesyng hij shul ben # shewed in her endyng.

15. And hij ne s CMEARLPS(13059): uns of it, for it is stired. 3. +Tou shew[{ed{]est harde +tynges to +ty folk for s CMEARLPS(13640): terete of myn hope.

9. Y shal shewe my vengeaunce in Ydume; strange be subi CMEARLPS(16383): way an drye in swyche manere, # ich shewed me to +te [{in{] holy +tynge, +tat ich CMEARLPS(21198): Our Lord made hys hel+te knowen, and shewed hys # ry+gtfulnes in sy+gt of men. 4. CMEARLPS(35564): de of hem touched vp hem. 37. And he shewed cloude in-to her prot[{e{]ccioun and f CMEARLPS(44736): +te caudron of myn hope. 10. Y shal shewe myn hoseing in Ydume; strange ben made CMEARLPS(58600): y ry+gtfulnisses.

13. Ichaue shewed for-+te in myn lippes a[{ll{]e +te # i CMEARLPS(58998): me; & y # shal kepe +tyn wordes. 18. Shewe myn e+gen, and y shal kepe +te wondres CMEARLPS(67957): r-+ti my # soule so+gt hem. 130. +Te shewynge of +tin wordes ali+gte+t me, & +geue CMEARLPS(71193): GLISH OMITTED.\] 171. My lippes shul shewe songe, whan +tou hast tau+gt me # +ty r CMEARLPS(75046): f +te ri+gtful, +tat +te ri+gtful ne shewe nou+gt her # hondes to wickednes. 4. Do CMEARLPS(85019): acion, +tou # shalt quike me; & +tou shewe+t +tin honde vp +te wra+te of min enemi CMHORN(33268): est to vre dri+gte. Bute +tu wule me schewe, I schal +te to hewe." +Te gode kni+gt CMHORN(37083): ni man of wiste.

Harpe he gan schewe, And tok fela+ges fewe, Of kni+gtes sui CMROBGLO(53170): u crist wel vuele ipaied was . As he ssewede bi tokninge . grisliche & gode . As i ..select B from TABLE where C like 'M%3' CMAELR3(5317): se and clennesse mowe signefie and # schewe to +te +te whitnesse of chastete and si CMASTRO(1638): tretis, divided in 5 parties, wol I shewe the under full light reules and naked w CMASTRO(2760): it onys. And Lowys, yf so be that I shewe the in my lighte Englissh as trewe conc CMASTRO(2905): and as subtile conclusiouns, as ben shewid in Latyn in eny commune tretys of the CMASTRO(3741): , as ferforth and as narwe as may be shewed in so small an instrument portatif abo CMASTRO(3860): hat smallist fraccions ne wol not be shewid in so small an instrument as in subtil CMASTRO(4542): iche fourthe partie in speciall shal shewen a table of the verrey moeving of the m CMASTRO(7908): en thilke same degres fro 5 to 5, as shewith by longe strikes bitwene. Of whiche l CMASTRO(11847): OMITTED^] above the south lyne, that shewith the 24 houres equals of the clokke. A CMASTRO(12910): verrey est to verrey west as I have shewed the in the speer solide. This same cer CMASTRO(15867): ike to the shap of the azemutz, that shewen the spaces of the houres of planetes. CMASTRO(19349): hin armes, and so furth, as shall be shewid more pleyn in the 5 partie of this tre CMASTRO(20111): n in equacions of thinges as shal be shewid. (^Here endith the descripcioun of the CMASTRO(30363): and than shal the point of thy label shewen the spryng of the day. Also set the na CMASTRO(34364): o reste, the nadir of the sonne shal shewe the houre of the planete; and fro that CMASTRO(34496): n shal the verrey degre of the sonne shewe the houre of the planete. Ensample as t CMASTRO(35576): to reste as for that Saturday. Than shewith the verrey degre of the sonne the hou CMASTRO(35913): of the sonne upon the west orisonte shewith me the entring of the houre of the fo CMBOETH(773): PROSA 9}] "It suffiseth that I have schewyd hiderto the forme of fals welefulnesse CMBOETH(915): cioun requireth from hennes forth to schewe the verray welefulnesse." "For sothe," CMBOETH(5941): nat fynde in tho thynges that I have schewed that ne mowen nat yeven that thei byhe CMBOETH(6597): ghe it were to a blynd man; and that schewedestow me ful wel a litel herbyforn, wha CMBOETH(6669): byforn, whan thow enforcedest the to schewe me the causes of the fals blisfulnesse. CMBOETH(7464): I, "Y trowe it nought; and thow hast schewyd me wel that over thilke good ther nys CMBOETH(8832): it, now trowe I that it were good to schewe in what this perfeccioun of blisfulness CMBOETH(10027): and withouten fruyt. But, as I have schewid a litel herebyforn that yif ther be a CMBOETH(10640): ere, that he nys good. Certes resoun scheweth that God is so good that it proeveth CMBOETH(10963): irst and eldere than God. For we han schewyd apertely that alle thinges that ben pa CMBOETH(14350): t as thise geometriens whan thei han schewed her proposicions ben wont to bryngen y CMBOETH(16737): but I desire for to herkne that thow schewe it me." (^Philosophie.^) "Tak now thus CMBOETH(17070): " "Certes," quod I, "it hath wel ben schewyd herebyforn that alle thise thinges ben CMBOETH(18853): ered and desired. By whiche thing it scheweth cleerly that of good and of blisfulne CMBOETH(19017): hten discorden in this." "And we han schewed that God and verray blisfulnesse is al CMBOETH(19897): seide conclusyouns."^) ) "Have I nat schewed the," quod sche, "that the thinges tha CMBOETH(20574): uired or desired?" (^Boece.^) "It is schewyd," quod I, "ne herof mai ther no man do CMBOETH(21748): unce the toon fro the tothir, thanne scheweth it wel that it is a deed thing, and t CMBOETH(27712): n." "I assente," quod I. "And I have schewed," quod sche, "that thilke same oon is CMBOETH(29465): s nat leveful to hem, as I schal wel schewen the in covenable place. But natheles, CMBOETH(31386): unselynesse of schrewednesse, thanne schewith it clerly that thilke wrecchidnesse i CMBOETH(31802): o a conclusioun, it is ryght that he schewe that some of the premysses ben false, o CMBOETH(31863): premysses ben false, or elles he mot schewe that the collacioun of proposicions nis CMBOETH(35963): en perdurable. And aftir this I have schewyd the that more unsely ben schrewes whan CMBOETH(37814): anne approchen us to hem that I have schewed that thei ben lyke to beestes? And wha CMBOETH(39374): re of it maketh men wrecches, [{it{] scheweth wel that the wrong that men doon nis CMBOETH(43114): t, yit natheles y wol enforcen me to schewe somwhat of it. But although the noryssy CMBOETH(48898): icite duellynge in the devyne thoght scheweth forth the ordre of causes unable to b CMBOETH(49433): yvel, the whiche schrewes, as I have schewed ful plentyvously, seken good, but wikk CMBOETH(54641): prosperite that is yeven to schrewes scheweth a gret argument to good folk what thi CMCLOUD(15250): t, bot +gif God of his grete goodnes schewe his mercyful myracle and make hym sone CMCLOUD(51412): tan it scholde by any o+ter maner of schewyng +tat I trowe +tou coudest +git schewe CMCLOUD(51452): ewyng +tat I trowe +tou coudest +git schewe. And ano+ter skyle is: for I wolde by # CMCLOUD(51511): yle is: for I wolde by # soche a hid schewyng bryng +tee oute of +te boistouste of CMCLOUD(52119): more aperte is +tat +ting knowyn and schewid # vnto him, +te whiche is hid in depne CMCLOUD(53877): # parauenture, and I had boden +tee schewe vnto God +te steryng of +tin herte, +to CMCLOUD(53954): e, +tou schuldest haue maad a bodily schewyng vnto hym, ou+ter in contenaunce, or i CMCLOUD(54089): streynyng, as it is when +tou schalt schewe a +ting +tat is hid in +tin hert to a b CMCLOUD(54227): ure. For on o maner schal a +ting be schewid to man, & on an-o+ter maner vnto God. CMCLOUD(66977): +tat I durst not pleynly bid +tee # schewe +ti desire vnto God; bot I bad +tee chi CMCLOUD(74160): & now it is turnid into corioustee & schewyng of kunnyng. To # +tee it nedi+t not, CMCLOUD(76355): ure Lorde wolde vouche # saaf for to schewe vnto hem +te maner of +tis arke-makyng. CMCLOUD(76440): y Moises longe trauaile and his late schewyng ben vnderstonden +too # +tat mowe not CMCLOUD(76632): m, and when God # wil vouche saaf to schewe it. Bot +tat +tat Moises mi+gt not come CMCLOUD(78423): vaale, after +te ensaumple +tat was schewid in +te mounteyne. And Aaron had it in CMCLOUD(78841): and +git was +tat si+gt only by +te schewyng of oure Lorde whan hym # likid to sch CMCLOUD(78884): ng of oure Lorde whan hym # likid to schewe it, and not for any deseert of hie trau CMCLOUD(79182): holpen wi+t # +te ensaumple +tat was schewid vnto Moises in +te mounte. And # somty CMCTPROS(1013): s sufficeant and resonable. And that shewed oure Lord Jhesu Crist by ensample, for CMCTPROS(9968): alle wommen and hir resouns, I shal shewe yow by manye ensamples that many a womm CMCTPROS(18052): en tho richesses. and therfore wol I shewe yow hou ye shul have yow, and how ye sh CMCTPROS(24838): ut a crueel cherl. "Sire, now have I shewed yow how ye shul do in getynge richesse CMCTPROS(30988): is synnes, whiche synnes openly been shewed biforn God and biforn every creature; CMCTPROS(31381): t hyden hym; he moste come forth and shewen hym." For certes, as seith seint Jerom CMCTPROS(32895): al to peyne that is in helle for it sheweth him to the horrible develes that hym CMCTPROS(35225): derstonde that Confessioun is verray shewynge of synnes to the preest. This is to CMCTPROS(37324): , first, suggestion of the feend, as sheweth heere by the naddre; and afterward, t CMCTPROS(37396): terward, the delit of the flessh, as sheweth heere by Eve; and after that, the con CMCTPROS(37464): that, the consentynge of resoun, as sheweth heere by Adam. For trust wel, though CMCTPROS(46570): wikked entente. Allas, somme of hem shewen the boce of hir shap, and the horrible CMCTPROS(46858): e wrecched swollen membres that they shewe thurgh disgisynge, in departynge of hir CMCTPROS(47462): stynkynge ordure, that foule partie shewe they to the peple prowdly in despit of CMCTPROS(47583): Crist and his freendes observede to shewen in hir lyve. Now, as of the outrageous CMCTVERS(23677): il we be fast, and thanne we wol hem shewe - Wel may that be a proverbe of a shrew CMCTVERS(24066): d thanne, seistow, we wol oure vices shewe. Thou seist also that it displeseth me CMCTVERS(28460): dooth thee al to soore smerte - But shewe to me al thy confessioun." "Nay," quod CMDOCU3(17970): proued. the whether that trowthe may shewe. for trouthe amonges vs. of fewe or ell CMDOCU3(18043): we or elles no man many day dorst be shewed. And nought oonlich vnshewed or hidde. CMDOCU3(19233): ] # thynges nedeful & lefful. as was shewed whan a companye of gode women. there m CMDOCU3(20224): l. or comune braunches outward: # it sheweth wel. the rote of hem is a ragged subi CMDOCU3(20445): ny other. if it lyke to yow: mowe be shewed & # wel knowen bi an indifferent Iuge CMDOCU3(21099): for this tyme to moche folke yhidde: sheweth hym self now open. whether it hath be CMDOCU3(21605): s be knowen to # hym. & that we mowe shewe vs & sith ben holden. suche trewe to hy CMDOCU3(31117): # oure souereyn lord the kyng as it sheweth by oure euydence of old # record

+Tat +te CMHANSYN(21005): shryne hem clene: To swyche men,God shewe+t hys tene. Hyt ys seyd al day, for +ty CMHANSYN(25632): reyyng hym ful felunly; Alle hyt was shewed hym before, how he had lyued syn he wo CMHANSYN(29114): arye, and bade hym herk, "Y shal +te shewe a pryuyte, A +tyng +tat +tou shalt do t CMHANSYN(32430): y, For +tou art weyl with Ihesu; He shewe+t for +te grete vertu; +Tarfor y shal m CMHANSYN(32720): y. Sy+t+ten Ihesu, +turgh hys my+gt, Shewed hym, to Pers sy+gt, For to be stalwor+ CMHANSYN(34053): +turgh +te grace of swete Ihesu, was shewed, for Pers, feyre vertu. Pers seyd, "la CMHANSYN(34592): Ihesu cryst he ys pryue, And +tat ys shewed weyl on me; For, what tyme he to me sp CMHANSYN(39592): d almy+gty loued hym weyl, And wulde shewe hym euerydeyl; "+To men +tat are so bry CMHANSYN(41509): ake of sacrylage, +Tat +te holy gost shewed hym no+gt For +te dekene synned yn +to CMHANSYN(42345): olde lawe was, 'Ones yn +te +gere to shewe +ty trespas;' +te newe law ys of more o CMHANSYN(42990): em of peyne so clere. And +tat may y shewe apertly By a tale of seint Gregorye; Se CMHORSES(763): for defau+gte of help +terfore I wol schewe +gou as j haue jlerned sum curus for ho CMHORSES(6776): of an-o+ter. Cure +terfore now wol I schewe. Take hede +tou marchal to +tis euel & CMMANDEV(10053): orse. But +gif it lyke +gou I schall schewe how +gee schull knowe & preue to the en CMNORHOM(3640): bid him bide. +Tus on +tis molde he schewid his might In sere meruailes vnto mens CMNORHOM(3946): ples all on raw, And als +te gospell schewes till vs Vnto Saint Peter said he +tus, CMNORHOM(10867): answerd +tus And said, "What wonder schewes +tou vs Wharby +tat we may seker be Tr CMNORHOM(37241): for to speke bigins he sone When he schewes what he has done, And wries himself an CMNORHOM(37353): s +tat he has wroght, Bot in schrift schewes +tam opinly And menes him to God almig CMNORHOM(38902): +taire hertes lift

And schewed +taire sin with opin schrift. +De chil CMNTEST(3416): . And Y knew hym not, but that he be schewid in Israel, therfor Y cam baptisynge in CMNTEST(6868): f signes in the Cane of Galilee, and schewide his glorie; and hise disciplis bileue CMNTEST(7721): riden, and seiden to hym, What token schewist thou to vs, that thou doist these thi CMNTEST(10930): th to the li+gt, that hise werkis be schewid, that thei ben don in God. Aftir these CMNTEST(20779): > For the fadir loueth the sone, and schewith to hym alle thingis that he doith; an CMNTEST(20836): thingis that he doith; and he schal schewe to hym grettere werkis than these, that CMNTEST(31633): e opyn. If thou doist these thingis, schewe thi silf to the world. For nether hise CMNTEST(43421): ldris; but that the werkis of God be schewid in hym. It bihoueth me to worche the w CMNTEST(50719): hym. Jhesus answerde to hem, Y haue schewide to +gou many good werkis of my fadir, CMNTEST(57833): f ony man knowe where he is, that he schewe, that thei take hym. CMOFFIC3(6389): t by # +te gouernance +tat +tei haue shewed to vs / Moreouer +tei haue desired of CMOFFIC3(7087): yn oure land / we wol +tat +tere be shewed vnto hem / al # +te fee fauor and cher CMOFFIC3(14466): the sayd riuer, and god of his mercy shewed so for vs and for our right that it wa CMOFFIC3(15206): that our lord of his # mercy

shewe+t vnto vs, we thanke hym lowely with al CMOFFIC3(25164): fede vs so # bounteuesly with behest shewyng of your good lordship to vs in tyme c CMOTEST(9697): To whom the Lord seide, Who forsothe schewide to thee that thou were nakid, no but CMOTEST(24861): me thou in to the lond which Y schal schewe to thee; and Y schal make thee in to a CMOTEST(27185): t is it that thou hast do to me? whi schewidist thou not to me, that sche was thi w CMOTEST(33204): on oon of the hillis whiche Y schal schewe to thee. Therfor Abraham roos bi ni+gt, CMOTEST(34133): camen to the place whiche God hadde schewid to hym, in which place Abraham bildide CMOTEST(38271): (^the aspieris^) spaken to hem, and schewiden the fruytis of the lond to al the mu CMPHLEBO(8752): eyne beynge atuix +te +tombe & +te # schewyng of +te lifte arme; aftir take +te zuc CMPHLEBO(15440): e+t not mynuschynge to be don, as it schewi+t in (\Viatica\) & in # (\Liber febris CMPHLEBO(17436): veyne beyng atuixe +te +tombe & +te schewyng fyngre of +te # lifte hand, weche aft CMPHLEBO(19662): es as oftetymes is # venymouse as it schewit in carbounkelis & carancres & antrax i CMPOLYCH(7201): to Rome to be +tere present, and to schewe +tat his bookes were # accordynge to +t CMPOLYCH(19284): nd bare down +te # kynges peple, and schewed auctorite of +te pope of Rome, and roo CMPOLYCH(25257): And +git al for nou+gt, for +tey he schewed at Dovere +te greet warant of his lega CMPRICK(455): 9> Now wille I rede forthermare, And shew yhow of sum paynes +tat er +tare. In pur CMPRICK(1754): h grete stryfe. His syns sal +tan be shewed ful many, Als I tald byfor in +te thre CMPRICK(14555): sum payns of purgatory. Now I wille shew, als +te boke telles, Whilk sauls in pur CMPRICK(15744): same son +tat shynes byyhond +te se Shewes it here, and in ilka cuntre` Alle +te CMPRICK(15912): +te face of God alle-myghty, Sal be shewed in heven appertely, Tille alle +te men CMPURVEY(14920): # the biholding of manie bokis hath shewid ofte, eithir declarid, summe derkere s CMWYCSER(10662): e cannot telle of, but +gif God wole schewon # hit vs, and +terfore foly iugement s CMWYCSER(14167): owte +tat Crist was taken. But Crist schewyde furst +te # purpos of +tese ypocrites CMWYCSER(14399): e ano+tur +tan +tei +towten on. # (^'Schewe +ge me' seyde Crist, '+te mone of +te t CMWYCSER(14465): +te mone of +te taliage.' And +tei # schewedon hym a peny. And Crist axede ouer, 'W CMWYCSER(15931): ter is no resoun to ypocrisye but to schewe # mennys synne, and to disseyuen on ech CMWYCSER(23203): to see Crist and waschen hym, and to schewen hym atte ey+ge, +tat is moore +tan a p CMWYCSER(34746): feend: to wi+tdrawen his malice, and schewe # signes as myraclis whan he ha+t sowen CMWYCSER(35245): +te dowyng, but si+t # was +tis tare schewyd and Godis lawe hid, for manye wete som CMWYCSER(35808): God myhten be sone cullyde +gif +tei schewedon to myche +tis cause of clennesse of CMWYCSER(42603): Axsyng of Philip, +tat was # maad to schewe +te myracle more, and for to haue bettu CMWYCSER(42727): deede. +Tese fyue loues +tat Andrew schewede ben hard lyf, +tat men mote lyue byfo CMWYCSER(47487): kynde? Certes +tese ydiotis kan not schewe how +tis schulde # sewen of any trew+te CMWYCSER(60711): e comprehendi+t al +te lawe, # as he schewe+t by fyue lawis. For +tis maundement of CMWYCSER(76530): e^) membre of hooli chirche ha+t sum shewyng of +tis (^spiri+gt^) , bo+te to (^pro ..select B from TABLE where C like 'M%4' CMAELR4(4451): ATORYE SHULD BE ARRAYED}] Now shal I shewe the how thou shalt arraye thyn oratory. CMAELR4(6749): as I # haue saide before. Now haue I shewed the a motley cote, a weddynge cote, a CMCAXPRO(2190): e / J haue purposed to enprynte it / shewyng therin the figures of suche persons < CMCAXPRO(6397): harge of him went with the grekes to shew him the water as in the siege of thebes CMCAXPRO(6461): e siege of thebes it is more plainly shewd / but what cam afterward of these two s CMCAXPRO(7765): boke how Philosophie appiered to him shewyng the mutabilite of this transitorie ly CMCAXPRO(10547): ue prouffyted oure mortal lyf / that shewe vnto the reders and herers by the ensam CMCAXPRO(16506): be good men digne of laude / whiche shewe to vs the waye of vertue / and other ha CMCAXPRO(16910): enbraceth al vtylyte & prouffite Jt sheweth honeste / and maketh vyces detestable CMCAXPRO(32710): g away the chaf of superfluyte / and shewyng the pyked grayn of sentence / vtteryd CMCHAULI(4110): ste oute. And so is +te disposicioun schewed of +te conteynynge parties # of +tilke CMCHAULI(4184): of +tilke wombe. Of +te whiche it is schewed +tat Galien sai+t in (\6=to= # Terapeu CMCHAULI(5234): +te whiche +te forsaide periles ben schewed when it goo+t oute in woundes of +te w CMCHAULI(11369): e spondyles of +te reynes. And so is schewed his acte, his pocicioun and his fastyn CMCHAULI(13878): . norisshynge) substaunces, as it is schewed fulliche in # (\2=o= De Elementis.\) T CMCHAULI(16026): +te substaunce and +te # accorde is schewed, +te whiche ben soghte in +te lyuer as CMCHAULI(23195): +te helpes, # +te whiche may not be schewed vnder certeyne lettres, as he saide # CMCHAULI(24862): ht accorde into one +ting, as it was schewed in (\13=o= # Terapeutice.\) And +terfo CMCHAULI(31476): +te nedefulle may abide, as # Galien schewe+t euydently in cole and in ote mele in CMCHAULI(37241): , +te whiche ben # moste done to +te schewynge and to +te wille of +te seke men +ta CMDIGBY(1412): eruauntes diligent, Oure processe to shewe you, as we can. Wherfor of benevolens w CMDIGBY(1629): be thertoo.

The last yeere we shewid you in this place How the shepherdes o CMDIGBY(1890): ede in oure matere as we can, And to shew you of Oure Ladies purificacion That she CMDIGBY(2930): oth youre diligens! And ye virgynes, shewe summe sport and plesure, These people t CMDIGBY(4719): ermest of my pore powere, And I wold shew you more, so ye wold be contentid, But I CMDIGBY(4963): , thu traytour, that thu not seas To shewe euery thyng thu knowist ageyns oure reu CMDIGBY(9411): ey my hed vpon a stokke! I shalle go shew your knyghtes how ye haue seid, And arme CMDIGBY(13845): thin to yeere of age! Ther shalle he shewe in that region Diuerse myracles of his CMDIGBY(13962): the mawmentes shalle falle down, To shew a tokyn towardes the partie! This child CMDOCU4(58026): were that serteyn day and # yere: he shewed to Thomas Stamford a dede ensealed tha CMDOCU4(58305): arbes of Bristowe: And # whan he had shewed the same dede: vn to the same Thomas: CMDOCU4(58677): e hit was: that +te said Iohn Baylly shewed hym suche a dede: # And. yn struglyng CMEDMUND(14113): r another tyme, when he prechyd, was shewid there a lyke myracle # for there he ch CMEDMUND(17557): that ye wolle to me, a poor wrecche, shewe thys youre gode grace.' And so he lete CMEDMUND(21069): ore the high auter, where oure Lorde shewith many a grete # myracle for his holy s CMFITZJA(1495): ghynge walkyd with mankynd / I shall shewe you of whiche Ihu~s I meane. whyche it CMFITZJA(2737): ue y=e= people in his tyme / I shall shewe you. The fyrst Ihu~s the sone of Naue. CMFITZJA(8419): ghty power geuyn vnto hym of god. To shewe you this. ye must vnderstonde / that fo CMFITZJA(13021): ten prayed. prechyd. & many myracles shewed. grete thenne was y=e= glory of this h CMFITZJA(14359): & the Leuites at his co~maundement. shewed & made vnto goddis worshyppe & praysyn CMFITZJA(16347): s of god / as dayly experyence dooth shewe: Whan Darius kynge of Babibilon

CMFITZJA(18861): es tonge / As Ysodorus declaryth and sheweth in the syxte boke of his Ethemologyse CMFITZJA(21243): ayne hym hauynge in seruytude) There shewyth forth saynt Jerom of Titus Liuius. of CMFITZJA(22888): yrste boke of his Ethikis / Where he sheweth that some put ther fynall ende in ryc CMFITZJA(24978): s sapience & prudence of this world. shewyng y=t= they. ne yet ony of them. ledeth CMFITZJA(25071): man to hys perfyte ende And forw=t= sheweth thapostle in y=e= same place. what sa CMFITZJA(26033): ns in his sermon of Confessours this shewyth at large In holy scrypture is conteyn CMFITZJA(29922): rof erre ne fayle. Now is there here shewed you from the begynnynge of thre men of CMFITZJA(30476): the sone of god and man / And that I shewe this / For where as eche of theym was c CMFITZJA(32163): yng reste in heuen. and in this hath shewed himself to be very Ihu~s. y=e= perfyte CMFITZJA(32695): he thre w=t= our lordis mercy I shal shewe you in this fyrst party. And wyth all. CMFITZJA(32998): eaco~n / To whoos declaraco~n I shal shew you thre conclusyons. Fyrste wherin ston CMFITZJA(33146): sone of god the fader. excersyced & shewed this acte as well on man. as on al oth CMGAYTRY(718): ecione prima`.\) Als a grett Doctour schewes in his buke, of all +te creatoures +ta CMGAYTRY(2388): d als +taire dedys oftesythes opynly schewes, in gret perell to +tam, to lyfe and t CMGAYTRY(3131): Almyghty, +tat principally # may be schewede in theis sexe thynges - In +te fourte CMGAYTRY(4293): ase ordaynede and bedyn +tat +tay be schewede opynly one ynglysche amanges +te folk CMGAYTRY(4486): the, - als gret # clerkes teches and schewes in thaire bukes, - Thare Falles to +te CMGAYTRY(8511): es, or sall be, sall sothefastely be schewede and

sene be-fore Hym, and ilke CMHILTON(1179): in +tat oones herte, +tat he ne wole schewe it to +tat o+ter; and +tis is a special CMHILTON(1355): gis bifore-seid. # Forwhi +toru +tis schewyng of priuytees, her hertis ben openyd s CMHILTON(4670): onfessioun, in +te which +tou schalt schewe, with al +te contricioun of +tin herte CMHILTON(4836): d lesse, as ferfor+t as +tou woldist schewe hem to +tin owne aungel, if he be a wii CMHILTON(9162): tunge, and in +te abyte: +tese +tat schewen of hem-silf, and auaunten hem-silf of CMHILTON(20608): ne may bi +tou+gt and bi wordis ben schewid. The +tridde transfoormynge is, whanne CMHILTON(25082): cordynge to-gider, nedis +tei mosten schewe outward sumtyme bi o+tere tokenes +tat CMHILTON(25227): is and bi tokenes, whanne ech of hem schewi+t to o+ter, how wel ech of hem loue+t o CMINNOCE(18159): Childehode, Yongthe, and Manhode, is shewed to us by a prety conceyte of # oure co CMJULNOR(559): ssede techynge of oure lorde god was schewyd to me in thre partyes, that is be body CMJULNOR(735): ye syght I maye nought ne can nought schewe it vnto +gowe als oponlye & als fullye CMJULNOR(1249): e as it es to me. For this syght was schewyd in generalle & nathynge in specyalle. CMJULNOR(2449): rde in my resone that +gyf god walde schewe me mare he schulde, botte me nedyd na l CMJULNOR(3181): for in alle thys synne{] was nou+gt schewyd # me. And y walde no lengyr mervelle o CMJULNOR(3275): te behalde oure lorde whate he wolde schewe me. & in anothyr tyme god schewyd me wh CMJULNOR(3308): lde schewe me. & in anothyr tyme god schewyd me whate syne es nakydlye be the selfe CMJULNOR(3539): we before in the heede. And this was schewyd me in the semes of scowrgynge, and thi CMJULNOR(4116): re kynde. And aftyr this, [{or{] god schewyd me any wo[{r{]des, he # suffyrde me to CMJULNOR(4419): lorde me[{n{]ande his passyon, as he schewyd me before. In this oure lorde brought CMJULNOR(4481): s oure lorde brought vnto my mynde & schewyd me a # perte of the fendys malyce & fu CMJULNOR(4560): & fully his vnmyght, and for that he schewyd me that the passyon of hym is ouercomy CMJULNOR(4628): hym is ouercomynge of the fende. God schewyd me that he hase nowe the same malyce t CMJULNOR(6071): mly in +ti +gough". [} [\IX\] }] God schewyd me thre degrees of blysse that ylke sa CMJULNOR(6994): oodelye and swetlye was this sayde & schewyd to me, that +te age of euerylk [{man{] CMJULNOR(7281): thankkyd. And aftyr this oure lorde schewyd me a souerayne gastelye # lykkynge in CMJULNOR(8162): ave dissesede me. And than the payne schewyd agayne to my felynge, and than the ioy CMJULNOR(8513): save me, I perysche. +Tis vision was schewyd me to lere me atte my vndyrstandynge < CMJULNOR(9577): epare. [} [\X\] }] Aftyr this cryste schewyd me a partye of his passyone nere # his CMJULNOR(9903): es that cryste sufferde in his bodye schewyd to me in the blyssede faace als farfur CMJULNOR(10598): ane othere gastelye. This worde was schewyd to me for the bodylye thirste, and for CMJULNOR(10670): te, and for the gastelye thyrste was schewyd to me als I schalle saye eftyrwarde. A CMJULNOR(11341): le in hym +tat in criste Ihesu. This schewynge of criste paynes fillyd me fulle of CMJULNOR(11462): ou+gt botte ane+g, botte as he walde schewe yt me and fylle me with mynde as I hadd CMJULNOR(16648): ike in blysse". For the fyrste heuen schewed criste me his fadere, bot in na bodely CMJULNOR(17024): en, that is blissynge of the fadere, schewed to me as a heuen, and itt was fulle bl CMJULNOR(17866): lle in regarde of his love. And that schewed he me wele # [{sobarly{] , sayande thi CMJULNOR(18504): nd ane # endeles likynge to me, ware schewed to me thre hevens as thus: for the ioy CMJULNOR(18931): race whyles we er here. And this was schewyd me in +tis worde: Erte +tow wele payed CMJULNOR(19054): , +gyf +tou be payed # I am payd, he schewed me the vndyrstandynge as +gyf he had s CMJULNOR(19242): the. Plentyuoslye and fully was this schewyd to me. Thynke also wyselye of the # gr CMJULNOR(19829): and so wille I that it do the. This schewed oure lorde me to make vs gladde and me CMJULNOR(20268): nought soo. And Ihesu in +tat worde schewed me a gastelye syght of hire. Ryght as CMJULNOR(20373): re litille and sympille, ryght so he schewed here than, hye and nobille and gloriou CMJULNOR(20756): ht hafe gyffen me, with the gastelye schewynge that he gafe me of hire; for oure lo CMJULNOR(20806): t he gafe me of hire; for oure lorde schewed me nothynge in # specyalle botte oure CMJULNOR(20883): oure lady saynte Marye, and here he schewyd me in thre tymes. The fyrste was as sc CMJULNOR(21098): and ioye. And eftyr this oure lorde schewyd hym to me mare gloryfyed # as to my sy CMJULNOR(21709): hes the and teches the. I it am that schewed me are to the". Thies wordes I declare CMJULNOR(22647): e techynge, for oure lorde, with the schewynge of this, hase lefte me to haly kyrke CMJULNOR(23550): r euer schalle be, a[{lle{] this was schewed me in a toch and redely passed ouere i CMJULNOR(24257): schalle be wele". Thyes wordes ware schewed wele tenderlye, schewande

na ma CMJULNOR(24281): wordes ware schewed wele tenderlye, schewande

na ma[{ne{]re of blame to me, CMJULNOR(25281): ye and with fulle lovelye chere, and schewed me that Adames synne was the maste har CMJULNOR(25398): lle to the warldes ende, and also he schewed me that this is opynly [{knawyn{] in a CMJULNOR(27218): ynge witte bot that oure lorde wille schewe thame, and also there charyte and +ter CMKEMPE(2362): ue mercy, pyte, & compassyon of hem. Schew +ti mercy & thy goodnes vp-on hem, help CMKEMPE(4523): most vnwor+ti creatur +tat euyr +tow schewedyst grace vn-to in erth." "A, dowtyr," CMKEMPE(14110): f mor profyte. +Tes be wretyn for to schewyn +te homlynes & +te goodlynes of owyr m CMKEMPE(14787): turbele & hir gret fere it xuld ben schewyd vn-to hir sowle how +te felyngys xuld CMKEMPE(17622): ech +tei knew not, for many spekyn & schewyn ful fayr owtward to +te sygth of +te p CMKEMPE(19238): elyng in hir sowle as owyr Lord wold schewyn +tat he was an vntrewe man & no mor wo CMKEMPE(28128): supposyng he had ben a la+ger as it schewyd be hys visage. The +gong man telde whe CMKEMPE(30313): g God of +te grace & goodnes +tat he schewyd to hir sone & hauyng desyr to sen hem CMKEMPE(31900): rawyng, sche openyd hir hert to hym, schewyng hym & enformyng how owr Lord had draw CMKEMPE(32014): t menys, also how meche grace he had schewyd for hir, +te whech he seyd he was vnwo CMKEMPE(39450): ir felyngys be-for-tyme. +Te doctowr schewyd hir gret cher & dalyid wyth hir as he CMKEMPE(43733): +te sonar wythdrawe +tes tempestys & schewe us mercy. Now may myn enmyis enyoyin, & CMKEMPE(43947): ti behestys +tat +tu hast behite me. Schewe +tu art sothfast God & non euyl spiryt CMLAW(32884): seid Capteyn if he be at land wages shewe the dep~tyng or lakkyng of his Souldeou CMLAW(33065): the Capteyn be at See # Wages, yf he shewe the dep~ting or lacking of the Souldeou CMLAW(59247): n to fynde # the seid forfeiture and shewe the same in yo=r= Escheker by informaci CMLUDUS(3805): mery and glad With all good diligens shewe now sum myrth Ffor be gracyous mahound CMLUDUS(5293): ay I xal +gow bere forth with me and shewe +gow sportys of oure gle of oure myrthi CMMALORY(7379): e that ye ar displesyd that I have # shewed you unkyndnesse. But blame me the less CMMANKIN(4330): (^Nought.^) Xall I breke my neke to schew yow sporte? (^Nowadays.^) Therfor euer b CMMIRK(3020): and worschip. For ryght as a knyght scheweth +te wondys +tat he ha+te yn batayle, CMMIRK(5718): rosse. And +ter +te crosse schall be schewet all blody, and # all o+ter ynstrumenty CMMIRK(9816): into +te to+ter. And so +tat angyll schewet hym +te fyre +tat # come out at +te mo CMMIRK(12798): nhongred, +te fende come to hym, and schewed hym stonys, and sayde: 'Yf +tou be God CMMIRK(13523): , # and set hym on a hegh hulle, and schewed hym all +te kyndomes of # +te world by CMMIRK(14849): , and mylke ys wyth blod.' And forto shew # ensampull of holy chyrch, takyth hede CMOFFIC4(17791): hich +te berare of this hath redy to shewe yow. Wher-vp-on I # prey yow wyt al my CMPRIV(5307): d if that they so hadde, lete hit be shewed and but hit be answered hit sholde end CMPRIV(30852): and seyd +tat sche had told +gw and schewyd +gw j-now qhere-by +ge myth # have kno CMPRIV(68005): ht hertely off # all kyndeness to me schewed at all tymes, and nowe ffor your good CMPRIV(69299): owde for his gret kyndnese # that he schewid to you and to me at all tymys, prayeng CMPRIV(90040): h I can none have off hym, he hath # shewid me that my Mayster your husbaund and y CMREYNAR(10573): yten the heed of / and that muste be shewed to the kynge for to haue knowleche the CMREYNAR(12941): grete penance for his # synnes / he shewd me his slauyne and pylche and an heren CMREYNAR(23788): ow and gadred vp the fetheris for to shewe them to you here / I wolde # not be aga CMREYNAR(27275): n # the trespaces that now to yow be shewd / late hym be sore punysshid acordyng t CMREYNAR(29859): whan they haue nede / ye can so wel shewe your # resons / that where ye speke / y CMREYNAR(44286): whan they wene beste to prononce and shewe their matere and conclude. They falle b CMREYNES(16249): ke what +tat he lyst, and +tei schal schewe to hym. [} [\30\] }] [} [\RECEIPTS FOR CMREYNES(27359): gret holynes pardon, as is hereafter shewyd. The first is called Seynt Petyr Chirc CMREYNES(29499): l grace +tat He wolde wouchesaffe to schewe her hem. And at the last, to her spak O CMREYNES(31958): oly man to whom sche this reuelacion schewed, and he it schewed to an abbes. And sc CMREYNES(31977): e this reuelacion schewed, and he it schewed to an abbes. And sche it schewed to he CMREYNES(32010): it schewed to an abbes. And sche it schewed to here susteres and badde hem seyn th CMREYNES(32746): seying of +te orisones. And this was schewed to the holy man. And he it schewed to CMREYNES(32781): s schewed to the holy man. And he it schewed to the abbes, and sche +te same tolde CMROLLBE(1000): doande or withtakand ydill mene and schewand thaym worthy to be put fra +te ryste CMROLLPS(19256): ffire thai the offrand of louynge: & shew thai his werkis in ioiynge. 23. (\Qui de CMROLLPS(30690): knyd til a graue openand, for # thai shew stynkand wordes that corumpis the herers CMROLLPS(35884): thaire # felaghschip. [^8.^] Here he shewis that tha that duellis in thaire synn s CMROLLPS(45981): e: for in # ilke distinccion he sall shew the knawynge of him. as thai hafe # lufi CMROLLPS(48954): prophet. of the lufers of the warld, shewand that thai sall # perische with all th CMROLLPS(49887): in there twa thyngis is goddis worde shewid. [^4.^] That is, .i. sall meke me til CMROLLPS(50108): oppyn in psawtry, that is, .i. sall shew in werke, my proposicyon, that is, what CMROLLPS(50259): blisse of heuen. aswa say, .i. sall shew # in dede my worde. [^5.^] Here in his p CMROLLPS(57076): iherusalem, # is his fayrhede first shewid: for thare it bigan to be preched. [^3 CMROLLPS(59415): toke thaim out of ignoraunce. and he shewid thaim crist, thorgh whaim wele wirkand CMROLLPS(59608): noght oure merytis. & his wondirs. # shewid til men. that is, tha ilk mercys that CMROLLPS(62050): louyd. [^23.^] As whasay, thai sall shew his werkis. that descendis fra contempla CMROLLPS(67043): e til thaire herers. [^5.^] That is, shew the heghe abouen all creatures. that thi CMROLLPS(67973): ere despisid in this warlde, and god shewis noght # oure vertus. agayns thaim that CMROLLTR(25422): for thies bodely dedis ar tokyne and shewynge of moralle vertues, with-oute which CMROLLTR(26671): oure lorde Ihesu Criste that he hath shewed to the, - in with-drawynge of thyne he CMROLLTR(34322): omyned with men and medled with men, shewynge to hem his dedis of mercy. For he ta CMROLLTR(34729): the gospell seith. +Tis medlid liffe shewith oure Lorde in hym silfe to ensample o CMROYAL(8873): er-fore he will do well with +te and shewe +te of is mercye." +Ge sir, trewly +tou CMROYAL(13106): e Lorde God at +te Day of Dome shall shewe ryght with-oute mercye, full rygorysly, CMROYAL(24524): fourth principall, now steryng, now shewynge by experience of vertewe, how +tat O CMROYAL(27911): Ladies will vn-to my porpose and to shewe hur +tin signet, +te wiche bothe man an CMROYAL(29551): tra cubiculum orante," Matheo\) . He shewed hur +tis signet, seying on +tis wize, CMROYAL(30839): shall be to all Cristen pepull. +Tat shewe I +tus: first, +tou shalte consceyve wi CMSIEGE(3136): yid hym wytt onovre. And on hyme God schewyde gret meracullys and on +te juis grete CMSIEGE(12758): y +tat lowyt Cryst, and I hoppe +tat schew and I schall geyfe +te good concelle.' A CMSIEGE(13836): a ladye +tat hy+gt dame Werony, and schewe grant to goo wyth hyme to conford and h CMSIEGE(14259): r sokor. And his blessid modyr Mary, schew sawe a cleyn cloth in my hond, and +terw CMSIEGE(14309): cleyn cloth in my hond, and +terwytt schew wyppyd +te face of her son Jhesu, for he CMTOWNEL(3450): re By reson, and repent. Me thoght I shewed man luf when I made hym to be All ange CMVICES4(1562): seyn it gladly and ofte. And for to schewe +tat God +te fadre here+t vs ri+gt soon CMVICES4(2763): +tat make+t swete al +te remenaunt, schewe+t +te what +tou schalt leue and somoune CMVICES4(3855): nesse

and his debornesse. Now schewe+t +te +tis word +tat +tou seyst, 'fadre CMVICES4(6635): ceyuede at here # cristenedome. Nowe schewe+t vs +tan +tis word 'oure' +te largenes CMVICES4(8548): holy pater noster. +Tis word 'oure' schewe+t vs +tat God is oures +gif we wolen, a CMVICES4(10391): f God, and many wordes fynde we +tat schewe+t vs wel what is of him, but +ter nys n CMVICES4(12720): come +tere he wone+t. +Te first word schewe+t vs +te leng+te of his endelesnesse. + CMVICES4(14582): , (\'Sanctificetur nomen tuum,'\) we schewen to oure good fadre curteisliche oure p CMVICES4(18436): al +te derkenisses of +te herte and schewe+t hym his synnes and his defautes, so + CMVICES4(18612): t wi+t-oute noumbre, as +te sunnebem schewe+t +te motes and +te dust to hem +tat be CMVICES4(18698): in +te hous & biholde+t it. After he schewe+t also, on +tat o+ter half, not onliche CMVICES4(21739): +te +gifte of counseil, as we haue y-schewed a-boue. +Tes +tre +tinges we bidde+t n CMVICES4(21847): s dedliche lif parfi+gtliche, but we schewen to oure fadre oure desires +tat ben or CMVICES4(24035): lt, as it were, swolewe it wi+t-oute schewynge. +Tat is to vnderstande, bileue al a CMVICES4(32096): m wel and to be kunnyng. +Tis spirit schewe+t a man and womman what he is and what CMYORK(21879): arme? Lefe wenche, do way! Hir sidis shewes she is with childe. Whose ist Marie? ( ..select B from TABLE where C = 'E1' CEAUTO1(17647): Then they all iiij stood forthe, and shewyd themselves unto my lord: hoo sayed unt CEAUTO1(30454): ther Crede nor Pater noster. Than he shewyd us whate monye he had: ther was bothe CEBIO1(2881): whose councell he required therein, shewing hym certaine places of scripture that CEBIO1(4605): th greekes and latines; and moreover shewed him what aucthorities he had gathered CEBIO1(6685): like a prince that no heretike durst shewe his face, so vertuous and learned a cle CEBIO1(7496): some of vs live not till that day," shewing me no reason why [{he{] should put an CEBIO1(10055): which notwithstandinge, the Bishoppe shewed himself in his reporte of him to the k CEBIO1(11393): s of all the people there assembled, shewed that he was from the kinge himself str CEBIO1(26308): the space of XX=ti= yeares and more shewing his continewall favour towards me, An CEBIO1(29374): to bind the whole realme; So farther shewed he that it was contrary both to the la CEBOETH1(665): }] Hetherto it suffyseth that I haue shewed the maner and forme, of false felicite CEBOETH1(5537): e felicitie, in thynges, that I haue shewed that cannot geue and performe that thi CEBOETH1(6239): were to a blyndman, and thou dyddyst shew the same trewe and perfyt felicitie a ly CEBOETH1(6327): efore, when thou dyddyste laboure to shewe me the causes of false felicitie. For ( CEBOETH1(7177): sitorye thynges y=t= may bring in or shew any such state. BOE: I say I thinke not. CEBOETH1(7237): E: I say I thinke not. For thou hast shewed that nothynge can be desyred, aboue pe CEBOETH1(7782): ythe the same, that is to saye, that shewethe the false felicitie, then nowe it re CEBOETH1(9512): er and baren thynges. And (as I haue shewed a litel before) if ther be any felicit CEBOETH1(12941): d. And I do perceyue that thys thyng shewed of them, is a very consequence to the CEBOETH1(13965): hey call apparaunces after they haue shewed their propositions) eue~ so wyll I geu CEBOETH1(16296): : Truely, all these thinges haue ben shewed before, to be all one thinge. PHI: The CEBOETH1(18064): g to the contrarye PHIL: But we haue shewed before that God and perfet # blessedne CEBOETH1(18869): e they shall remayne. PH: Haue I not shewed the that the same thinges that be desy CEBOETH1(19235): hauynge nede of nothyng? But we haue shewed before, that then it is trewe and perf CEBOETH1(26114): E: I haue graunted. PHY: Then I haue shewed that the same one thinge, is the thing CEBOETH1(27647): not lawefull for them, as it shalbe shewed in place conueniente. But yet if the s CEBOETH1(27910): folke, shoulde then be reuealed and shewed. For it semeth perchaunce incredible t CEBOETH1(29918): the conclusion, it # behoueth hym to shew eyther that some false thynge hath gone CEBOETH1(29987): ge hath gone before, or ells he must shewe that the conferrynge of proposions is n CEBOETH1(35503): nto these comen people whych (I haue shewed) be like vnto beastes? What woldest th CEBOETH1(37186): nce, where as more pytie ought to be shewed vnto them that haue suffred wrong and CEBOETH1(38913): nd secrete causes of thynges, and to shewe me the darke reasones thereof, I pray t CEBOETH1(39148): thereat, sayd: thou requyrest me to shewe the, the greteste thinge of all thynges CEBOETH1(42279): naunce temporall, beynge deuyded and shewed in successyon of tymes, may be called CEBOETH1(46516): tenes abydyng in the dyuine thought, sheweth fourth the immouable order of causes. CEBOETH1(47120): folke. Which wicked folke (as it is shewed # aboundauntlye before) do seke for go CEBOETH1(51869): not be ouercome by ponishment, haue shewed example vnto other, that vertue cannot CEBOETH1(52646): vnto wycked folke in worldly goodes sheweth a great argument and proufe vnto good CEBOETH1(54215): at hye prouydence of god, hath often shewed a gret myracle so that wycked folke, h CEDIAR1B(24545): orough, Lubeke, Breme,

etc., shewing them an inkling of the matter. Thirdl CEDIAR1B(25872): > At this time duke Maurice began to shew himself frend to the Protestantes, who b CEDIAR1B(31028): nchmen taken on the sea cost. It was shewid him they ware pirates; now some of the CEEDUC1A(12285): pe, or, by any other countenance, to shewe him selfe to be weary, he was sodaynly CEEDUC1A(14362): edious or laborious affaires, and to shewe him that a gentilman, plainge or singin CEEDUC1A(30483): excellent gouernour or capitayne. He sheweth there that Craesus, the riche king of CEEDUC1A(31142): Histaspa, go about to my frendes and shewe them that I lacke golde towarde a certa CEEDUC1B(3419): nto Englishe his former lesson. Then shewing it to his master, let the master take n CEEDUC1B(22305): cause there appeared in me som small shew of towardnes and diligence, lacked not h CEFICT1A(4764): rly hys soule shalle be dampnyd/ and shewyd hym what mynde he was in & all the hol CEFICT1A(4831): n & all the hole matter as ys before shewyd. Thys horsman heryng y=e= frere thys i CEFICT1A(5581): yte/ he can do no better

than shew to hym the vttermoste of hys malycyous m CEFICT1A(8631): so by long exortacion at the last he shewyd it & seyd thus/ Syr it happenyd onis t CEFICT1A(10738): e y=e= curat bad hym cry god mercy & shew his synnys. Than this syk man began to s CEFICT1A(12383): te an vnthrift of hys accoyntau~ce & shewyd hym hys intent/ This tayler lykewyse s CEFICT1A(12427): hym hys intent/ This tayler lykewyse shewyd hym y=t= he inte~dyd y=e= same tyme to CEFICT1A(14712): we~t to the p~ysh prystis cha~ber/ & shewd hym how the spryte of y=e= man was ryse CEFICT1A(15167): n hys nek intendyng as I before haue shewid yow to go down to y=e= myll met w=t= t CEFICT1A(27892): olde sell his capons and when he had shewyd hym the pryse of them he bad hym go wi CEFICT1A(27972): with hym to his mayster and he wolde shew them to his mayster and he wolde cause h CEFICT1A(28225): bad hym tary at the dore tyll he had shewed his mayster and he wolde come agayn to CEFICT1A(28583): e the man was that had the Capons to shewe to his mayster/ mary quod the tauerner CEFICT1B(1462): ng out of an other Shyre, and # will shewe you the same fayre sealed, with the sup CEFICT1B(4335): of a good zelous # naturall intent, shewed them cherefully that hee was an honest CEFICT1B(5043): therat, pointed with her fingar and shewed them the house # standing alone, no ho CEFICT1B(11241): # is very stronge." Then this parson shewed her all the hole # circumstance, how h CEFICT1B(14375): oge because he went idelly about, he shewed me that he was a beggar by enheritance CEFICT1B(19757): wne, and came to my dames house, And shewed her of my mysfortune, also of her husb CEFICT1B(23726): he # departed from her gossypes, she shewed them at what houre they should preuely CEHAND1A(19473): , and wouen, it nedeth not for me to shewe, for they be wise ynough; and therof ma CEHAND1A(22274): or sell, as they ofte do, he than to shewe his wife in lyke maner. For if one of t CEHAND1A(22483): ther to other. I coulde peraduenture shewe the housbandes dyuerse poyntes that the CEHAND1A(22639): ues: but if I shulde do so, I shulde shewe mo subtyll poyntes of deceypt, than eyt CEHAND1A(23016): folowe vermes. In the whiche boke he shewed, that if they were wowed, moued, or st CEHAND1A(23110): man, after suche a maner as he there shewed, that they shulde withstande it. In th CEHAND1A(23172): withstande it. In the whiche boke he shewed so many wayes, howe a man shoulde atte CEHAND1A(23380): soo subtylly contryued, and craftely shewed, that harde it wold be for any woman t CEHAND1A(25407): wolde forgette it: Wherfore I shall shewe to theym a texte in englysshe, and that CEHAND1B(10530): tes, writing of cheese in few wordes sheweth both the materiall and efficient caus n CEHIST1A(5032): the Dukes themselfe entended for the shewe of theire dylygence, to bee the fyrste CEHIST1A(12166): th the lord Chamberlen of very trust shewed vnto Catesbye, the mistrust that other CEHIST1A(15173): ined them. And # then the protectour shewed them, y=t= the lord chamberlain, & oth CEHIST1A(25751): or harme, then the Duke when he had shewed this vnto # the maire and other, that CEHIST1A(27245): on to speake, then waxed he bolde to shewe hym theyr intent and # purpose, with al CEHIST1A(29825): yke pardone desyred and obtayned, he shewed aloude vnto # the protectour, that for CEHIST1B(695): the Story of the seconde Rycharde is shewyd / Vpon the laste daye of Septembre in CEHIST1B(5081): ther brynge hym out of lyfe. Also he shewyd farther that Kynge Rycharde shuld shew CEHIST1B(5122): yd farther that Kynge Rycharde shuld shewe and saye to hym at Lichefelde in the .x CEHIST1B(5785): yse agayne y=e= Churche More ouer he shewyd by y=e= sayd byll / y=t= as y=e= sayde CEHIST1B(6327): ut in execucion / And farthermore he shewyd / that there was no man of honour at t CEHIST1B(6574): yd Dukys aduyce.

Also he shewyd that he harde the Kynge beynge tha~ at CEHIST1B(6958): Parlyament adiuged / And farther he shewyd that of all theyse matiers he sent the CEHIST1B(7146): withsta~de the Kynges malyce / which shewyd hym to be his mortall enemye / And las CEHIST1B(7199): his mortall enemye / And lastlye he shewyd in the sayde Byll that he harde the du CEHIST1B(8691): he counceyll as there ye shulde then shewe vnto me / where after ye shewyd to me y CEHIST1B(8722): then shewe vnto me / where after ye shewyd to me y=t= ye coulde neuer brynge your CEHIST1B(13785): or a Dysguysynge or a mummynge to be shewyd to the Kynge vpon Twelfethe nyght / an CEHIST1B(13972): the Kynge the duke of Amnarle / and shewyd to hym that he with y=e= other Lordys CEHIST1B(14095): he tyme of the fore sayd dysguysynge shewynge / wherfore he aduysyd hym to prouyde CEHIST1B(16080): Duke of Orleaunce / as before I haue shewyd in y=e= .xxii. yere of hyr sayd Father CEHIST1B(22056): complayntes that before tyme had ben shewyd and euydently prouyd before the kyngs CEHIST1B(25460): lyke as before it is more at length shewyd in the .xxvii. yere of Charlys the .vi CEHIST1B(30693): hym what place that was / The which shewyd to hym that it belongyd vnto y=e= Abbo CEHIST1B(31589): her Duchesse of Barre / as before is shewyd. Whanne kynge Henry was deed he was co CEHIST1B(31890): me Katheryne Swynford / as before is shewyd in the .viii. yere of Richarde y=e= se CELAW1(20464): id # Capteyn if he be at londe wages shewe the departyng or lakkyng of his Souldeo CELAW1(20682): Capteyne be at the # See Wag~ if he shewe the dep~tyng or lakkyng of the Souldeou CELAW1(30853): =th= whose soule God p~don, it # was shewed by Shermen Fullers and other Artificer CENTEST1(7160): s dyd Iesus in Cana of Galile, # and shewed his glory, and his disciples beleved o CENTEST1(7976): wes and sayde vnto him: what token # shewest thou vnto vs, seynge that thou dost t CENTEST1(21469): For the father loveth the sonne, and sheweth him all thinges, whatsoever he him se CENTEST1(21539): er he him selfe doeth. # And he will shewe him greter workes then these, because y CENTEST1(28070): t. They sayde vnto # him: what signe shewest thou then, that we maye se and beleve CENTEST1(32965): knowen. Yf thou # do soche thinges, shewe thy selfe to the worlde. For as yet his CENTEST1(44979): ut that the # workes of God shuld be shewed on him. I must worke the workes of him CENTEST1(52591): swered them: many good workes have I shewed you from my father: for # which of the CENTEST1(59870): y man knew # where he were, he shuld shewe it, that they myght take him. CEOFFIC1(2133): ou were at the tyme of my message so shewed unto your Grace. And albeit it hathe p CEOFFIC1(4643): rse and declaration off many mattres shewyd by the Cardinal Sedunensis which was n CEOFFIC1(5034): by us written, emongest other things shewyd me that oon off the secrete mater stre CEOFFIC1(5723): thoff unworthi, your Grace hath also shewyd so largely your bounteousnes and liber CEOFFIC1(9463): honorable. Thus in thys mater I have shewed my simple advise and mynd; which, I th CEOFFIC1(9954): t mygth be imputyd to me not to have shewyd it in tyme when it came first to my kn CEOFFIC1(19570): ess shall alter his copie, & percase shew himself according to such expectation as CEOFFIC1(24956): you wele. Signifieng unto you it is shewed unto us that albeit our welbiloved ser CEOFFIC1(31121): , Licence, or Placarde that they may shewe or aledge for themselfes to the contrar CEOFFIC1(39130): tre which the Quene of Scottes shall shew to the Lordis, with good exaggeration of CEOTEST1(24114): ers house, into a londe which I wyll shewe the. And I wyll make of the a myghtie p CEOTEST1(32183): on one of the mountayns which I will shewe the Than Abraham rose vp early in the m CEOTEST1(33084): n they came vnto the place which God shewed him, Abraha~ made an aulter there and CEOTEST1(37239): also vnto all the congregacion, and shewed them the frute of the lande. And they CEOTEST1(40058): me, for all my signes whiche I haue shewed amonge them? I will smyte them with th CEOTEST1(45588): anye sayenge: tomorow the Lorde will shewe who is his and who is holy, and will ta CEPLAY1A(7377): l I go call your folkes, that ye may shewe a cast; (^R. Royster.^) Yea runne I bes CEPLAY1A(20861): Mery.^) Ah that ye would in a letter shew such despite. (^R. Royster.^) Oh I would CEPLAY1B(15298): come before them.^) (^Ga~mer^) Chil shew you his face, ich warrant the, lo now wh CEPLAY1B(15993): o morow, Where is the harme he hath? shew it by gods bread, Ye beat him with a wit CEPRIV1(6308): ed him, whose tenaunt he was, and he shewed him whos he was. And he will not let h CEPRIV1(7494): to the schereffe, and the schereffe shewed my servant # that my Lord had wrytten CEPRIV1(9697): aire, and good sped in your matters, shewyng you that I and all your children is i CEPRIV1(9974): lker at this tyme; the which I shall shew you how I mayd schift of, at your commin CEPRIV1(18176): es indytements ar for you, and it be shewed to # the King or his Counsell. Both my CEPRIV1(21303): be that you can make any frinds, to shew Mr. Chaunceler the planer and through in CEPRIV1(21541): smith, Lanlord to Robart Oliver, and shew him how that he will not make his diches CEPRIV1(23644): hir so # loving and tender kyndnesse shewed unto me, beseching hir ladyship of goo CEPRIV1(23792): t of yours to my lady and to me, and shew now by your fatherly kyndnesse that I am CEPRIV1(30095): the sight of the othe, which # they shewed me vnder the great seale. Than desired CEPRIV1(30311): the othe considered with the acte, I shewed vnto them, that my purpose was not to CEPRIV1(31567): nacion towarde me. And therwith they shewed me the roll, and let me se the names o CEPRIV1(40724): poyntes) I haue sondry tymes

shewed you that I will disclose them to no ma CEPRIV1(42100): an in this worlde neuer in such wise shewe, but that # his Grace may be perswaded CEPRIV1(48341): f before my coming hether (as I haue shewed you ere this) I haue had neither small CEPRIV1(50456): iars, her name is on the backe side. Shewe her that I hertely pray her that you ma CEPRIV1(58905): cossyns and mad us hygh schere, and schewyd us gret plesure. For all other thyngs CESCIE1A(5388): stimatiue vertue: for he rehearseth, sheweth, declareth, and deemeth those things CESCIE1B(2166): I said before, and as this exaumple sheweth: where A. if the corde. And the compa CESCIE1B(3073): lyne^) , as the exaumple here doeth shewe.

Nowe haue you heard as touchyn CESCIE1B(3545): e duely proportioned (as this figure sheweth) hauyng the one ende greater then the CESCIE1B(9526): equall to an other as these examples shew, neither keepe they any rate in their co CESCIE1B(10919): res ioyned togither, as this example sheweth. And thus I make an eand to speake of CESCIE1B(11550): che end, as partly these pictures do shewe. (^Bodies of two plattes^) are other ca CESCIE1B(32513): newe edition of Euclide, yet I wyll shew you brefely how the equalitee of the par CESERM1A(899): thre thynges I wold do. First I wold shewe that the instruccyons of this holy gosp CESERM1A(7951): yfore. & what can be more euydent to shewe that Peter vnder christ was the heed of CESERM1A(23617): greater kyndes euer was, or could be shewed to thee by any creature, then this whi CESERM1A(23682): re, then this which sweete Iesus dyd shewe for thee and for thy sake, & wher is no CESERM1A(23774): enes againe? No kyndnesse thou canst shewe, but much vnkyndnesse thou haste often CESERM1A(23819): ut much vnkyndnesse thou haste often shewed vnto him, and yet thou art not ashamed CESERM1A(25278): poynte of kindenesse was not as yet shewed vnto this man by our sauiour Christ, a CESERM1A(27689): this moste louing charitie, that was shewed vnto thee for thy loue & for thy sake CETRAV1B(5212): Wardyn made a ryght holy sermon, and shewyd ryght Devoutly the holynesse of all th CETRAV1B(5993): aly accompanyd with vs Informyng And shewing vnto vs the holy places with in the h CETRAV1B(9424): Malcus eere. And therby ys the place shewyd by a token of a ston wher Judas be tra CETRAV1B(9932): browght a palm vnto our blyssyd lady shewying vnto hyr the Day of hyr Dethe. Also CETRAV1B(11005): the Place of the whiche the Aungell shewyng the resurrection of our Savyor, seyd CETRAV1B(12534): lomon, in the whiche Place ower lord shewyd many Miraclis as it ys well knowen by CETRAV1B(18259): f ower lorde. Ther ys Also the place shewyd by a stonne whiche ys a yard # of high CETRAV1B(23676): s lay iiij Days Dede, as the Gospell sheweth, etc., whom our Savyor Crist reysyd f CETRAV1B(27419): of that yle callyd Costus, as it is shewyd ther aswell by # wrytyng as be reportt CETRAV1B(36482): ys. Also Sonnday And Munday, And was shewyd ther many Dyverse fetis of werre. In t CETRAV1B(38085): =r= lady, and many grett myracles ys shewyd ther, ther we bood vij Dayes. ffryday, CETRI1(5279): forthwith to Mr. (^Cholmley^) , and shewed him the Sheriffes Returne, who being a CETRI1(5862): he Sergeante aunswered, we neede not shew you the cause of the Chalenge for the Qu CETRI1(13232): rour had sent me a fayre Cheyne, and shewed it unto (^Throckmorton^) , who said, f CETRI1(14577): demanded of me for (^Winter^) , and shewed mee, that his Maister woulde gladly sp CETRI1(18025): o conferre with M. (^Wyat^) , but to shew my Friendship to my very good Lord the M CETRI1(19523): e to all his Determinations, and you shewed him that you woulde goe into the West CETRI1(22933): (^Vaughan^) saith, (^Throckmorton^) shewed him, that he had sent a Poste to Sir ( CETRI1(23458): han^) deposed, that (^Throckmorton^) shewed him in talke of the Erle of (^Pembroke CETRI1(23645): aughan^) said, That (^Throckmorton^) shewed hym that he would ride downe to (^Bark CETRI1(25937): ll tell you. Then his Confession was shewed him. (^Attourney.^) Bycause you of the CETRI1(36973): e not excuse the matter, for he hath shewed himselfe cleere in these matters like CETRI1(46196): dde, affirming that (^Throckmorton^) shewed vnto him, riding betwixt (^Hinam^) and CETRI1(47180): now, who can testifie, that he neuer shewed me of any Displeasure betwixt them: an CETRI1(54151): your better Credit and Satisfactions shewe you euidentlye, that if you woulde bele CETRI1(54767): o trie mee by the Lawe, and will not shewe me the Lawe? What is your Knowledge of CETRI1(55039): tanford.^) My Lord Chief Justice can shew the Lawe, and will, if the Jurie doe dou CETRI1(57183): Defence: and in thus doing you shal shew your selves worthy Ministers, and fit fo CETRI1(76232): adjudge the sayd case, untill it be shewed to the Parliament to trie, whether it CETRI1(76427): y mentioned before, and untill it be shewed to the Parliament. (^Portman.^) That P CETRI1(81196): er he had discouered his Doings, and shewed himselfe an Enemie? If

I h ..select B from TABLE where C = 'E2' CEBIO2(12555): who in this, as in all things else, shewed hymself most honorable. For what bette CEBIO2(12702): nly to forgett an Unkindness, but to shew hymself most kynd, when he had both Caus CEBOETH2(723): PROSE.}] "Hitherto hit sufficeth to shewe the forme of gileful # felicitie, wiche CEBOETH2(819): y beholde, the ordar than must be to shewe you the true." "Yea I se," quoth I, "th CEBOETH2(3947): he fynde # her in these that we haue shewed yo=u=, promise more than they giue?" " CEBOETH2(5653): perfett, & true good, Now I think to shewe the` by what the perfection of this fel CEBOETH2(6071): . For all that we call imperfett, is shewed such by the definition of # perfection CEBOETH2(6939): thing can better? For so doth reason shew that God is good, that is won to confess CEBOETH2(11230): le body, & all these thinges we haue shewed be one, Then they are not partes, or e CEBOETH2(24546): all we speake of such thinges now as shewes men most lyke beastes? What yf a man l CEBOETH2(35567): ce of glorious death. Som other haue shewed a sample to the rest, vnuincible of pa CEBOETH2(35628): est, vnuincible of payne: And so doo shew to wicked men how vnwon vertue is. Which CEDIAR2A(3871): M. Robinson preched 2 Philipians. He shewd owt of (\racionale divinorum\) that the CEDIAR2A(4499): fyce of an hundred pound for hym and shewd me Tolderburyes letter therin.

1 CEDIAR2A(5407): udy beyond the cumpase of any desert shewd unto mee. Spent 12=d=. 15. [\Thurs.\] I CEDIAR2A(6861): y and I walked to Ratclif. M. Norman shewd me how the strenth of his lodestone was CEDIAR2A(18932): e fyrst upon whom any punyshment was shewed for hytherto not so much as a boy felt CEDIAR2A(19827): ssadors man to have hym released and shewd us ther passport for hym self and al hi CEDIAR2A(34069): een ducked, but I begd his pardon. I shewd them that because we caried felonyows h CEEDUC2A(14830): using the childe to find out, and to shew you which is (^a^) , which (^b^) , which CEEDUC2A(30205): right order be observed, as we shall shew after. 2. Secondly, the fewer fourmes th n CEEDUC2B(32510): e great quantitie of Bookes maketh a shewe rather of superfluitie then lacke, whic n CEFICT2A(25694): jest, and so did the cardinall for a shew, but it grieved # him to jest away ten p CEFICT2B(5112): none of the worst sort, and I will # shew them you, because you shall giue your op CEFICT2B(30243): f a true Knight; but in the # other, shew your selfe a most periured person: small CEHAND2A(4498): ish. And I think he told me, that he shewed him her in a Glasse, and tolde him she CEHAND2A(10210): ng may serue. The worde of God doeth shew plainlie that there be witches, & commau CEHAND2A(17121): not be obstinate, if the word of God shew me mine errour. Let vs euen friendly con CEHAND2A(18085): o about to prooue the contrarie, doe shewe themselues but cauillers. (^M.B.^) I am CEHAND2A(19702): after, and neuer recouered again. He shewed

her the woman as plaine in a g n CEHAND2A(22828): nnot hurt, nor seeth how to make any shewe that he hurteth them, he can quickly tu CEHAND2A(30168): g, for if they did burne black, that shewed the child was bewitched, and she said CEHAND2A(31052): demanded whom he suspected, she was shewed him in a glasse, an old woman that dwe CEHAND2B(4736): m; and if in these rules which I now shewe I bee lesse curious then formerly I hau CEHAND2B(4895): of experience) doth, in our labours, shewe vs more newe and more neerer waies to o CEHAND2B(5119): (^Michaelmas^) till (^Christmas^) to shewe his vtmost # perfection, knowe now in o CEHAND2B(7320): g it for your rule that a rough coat shews want of cloathes, and a smooth coate, c CEHAND2B(21775): is discourse is written (for we haue shewed the (^Grasier^) his office in the (^En CEHIST2A(3202): aye of the sayde arrest. The King to shew to all men in all Countries about by wha CEHIST2A(5459): carrye his son to the King, where he shewing his letters, the King woulde not bele CEHIST2A(26916): faithfull Commons

humbly do shewe, that our soueraigne Lord the king may CEHIST2B(2516): a current, they were content not to shew a will to affect that which they had no CEHIST2B(12224): what doe I but guild gold? what but shew the sunne

with a candle, in attemp CEHIST2B(21654): ery man should go to his charge, and shewe the same will to execute the enterprise n CEHIST2B(31028): hich he could doe, made noe greate # shew. And albeit the succeedinge Bishoppes di CELAW2(25990): # Clothmakers, (as Experience daylie sheweth,) cannot observe the saide former Sta CELAW2(29688): heire moste humble and dutyfull wise shewen and # beseechen your Highnes your true CENTEST2(8033): Iewes, and said vnto him, What signe shewest thou vnto vs, seeing that thou doest CENTEST2(21555): For the father loueth the sonne, and sheweth him all things that himselfe doth: & CENTEST2(21608): things that himselfe doth: & he will shew him greater works then these, that ye ma CENTEST2(28221): said therefore vnto him, What signe shewest thou then, that we may see, and belee CENTEST2(33198): en openly: If thou doe these things, shew thy selfe to y=e= world. 5 For neither d CENTEST2(52967): swered them, Many good workes haue I shewed you from my Father: for which of those CENTEST2(60390): y man knew where hee were, he should shew it, that they might take him. CEOFFIC2(20571): him, although we had not plainely # shewed the contrary to his Embassad=r= as wee CEOFFIC2(21299): nge vnto vs, when wee were # able to shew it, that since the comming to our Crowne CEOFFIC2(23524): cted, especially in this, wherein he sheweth merely a # spiritt of Choller and pri CEOTEST2(25535): thers house, vnto a land that I will shew thee. 2 And I will make of thee a great CEOTEST2(39319): , and vnto all the Congregation, and shewed them the fruit of the land. 27 And the CEOTEST2(42211): me, for all the signes which I haue shewed among them? 12 I will smite them with CEOTEST2(47996): saying, Euen to morrow the LORD will shew who (^are^) his, and who (^is^) holy, an CEPLAY2A(2370): EDITION: beleeee^] that; # I haue to shew you to the contrary. (^Mis. Page.^) 'Fai CEPLAY2A(2495): Well: I doe then: yet I say, I could shew you to the contrary: O Mistris (^Page^) CEPLAY2A(32522): ne time: if I find not what I seeke, shew no colour for my extremity: Let me for e CEPLAY2B(10877): hee. (^Yell.^) To morrow noone shall shew your Ring well done. (^T.I.^) Being so ' CEPLAY2B(26884): 'le bring my Master to you, he shall shew you A true authoritie from the higher po CEPLAY2B(32268): sweet Sister, we goe in vnitie, and shew the fruits of peace like Children of the CEPRIV2(21422): ur company only was at Heariford, to shewe what they had lerned, whear Sr. Jhon Sk CEPRIV2(38526): out which love # of yours so highlie shewed to mee I could not have imagined what CEPRIV2(63126): shall gain yourself a good reput and shew yourself a vertuous wife whoes pris is n CESCIE2A(17604): ese vanities, which make a shadow or shew of verity for the safe curing of diuers CESCIE2B(5153): that portion of the Circle, # which sheweth how much the giuen Arke is lesser the CESCIE2B(7437): \) : Againe the letters (^F.B.^) doe shew the complement which # together with the CESCIE2B(8309): les, I thinke # it good therefore to shew you the order of the said tables by # de CESCIE2B(16011): lusions next following, which are to shew the vse of the # foresaid tables, may be CESCIE2B(20054): figure here following doth plainely shew, whereby # you may easily perceiue that CESCIE2B(20870): euen # with the Horizon. (^A Figure shewing the latitude of any place to bee equa CESCIE2B(24507): he world from the # West and also it sheweth both the North and South, for by turn CESCIE2B(24717): , # the opposit part of which circle sheweth on your left hand the # North. Also t CESCIE2B(25819): ght to midnight. Againe, this circle sheweth the right ascentions and # declinatio CESCIE2B(26136): derstand hereafter, when wee come to shew the vses of the globe as well terrestria CESCIE2B(28847): OR AZIMUTHES?}] The uerticall Circle sheweth what time the Sunne or any # other st CESCIE2B(29766): muthes^) , it shall not be amisse to shew you also # that there be other Circles t CESCIE2B(30800): nith, and these Circles doe serue to shew the Altitude of the Sunne # or Moone, or CESCIE2B(35362): pheare or Globe it selfe. (^A figure shewing the fiue foresaid Zones.^) [^FIGURE # CESCIE2B(35571): he extreame # hoat, which experience sheweth in these latter daies, to be untrue, CESCIE2B(37561): l, and this Table will also serue to shew the difference of miles # in euery sundr CESERM2A(1975): (^generall^) doth point them out and shew what manner of men they should be. The ( CESERM2A(4078): the matter of those prophecies doth shew plainely that they are of God. 3 Touchin CESERM2A(6641): of state. They whose words doe most shew forth their wise vnderstanding, and whos n CESERM2A(13178): how great in power? contemptible in shew, yet in spirit how strong? how wonderful CESERM2B(3150): ll define what Vsurie is, then I wil shew you what Vsurie doth signifie: then I wi CESERM2B(3198): at Vsurie doth signifie: then I will shewe the vnlawfulnes of it: then I will shew CESERM2B(3239): e the vnlawfulnes of it: then I will shewe the kindes of it: then I will shewe the CESERM2B(3275): shewe the kindes of it: then I will shewe the arguments which are alleaged for it CESERM2B(3334): ich are alleaged for it: then I will shewe the punishment of it: then I will

shewe you what opinion wee should holde of th CESERM2B(3501): t borrow vpon Vsurie. Lastly, I will shewe you what they should doo which haue got CESERM2B(6109): nd loue, (^Ezekiel & Nehemiah^) doth shewe how the (^Iewes^) , euen the (^Iewes^) CESERM2B(7548): but all Vsurie signifieth byting, to shewe that al Vsurie is vnlawfull. Now, you h CESERM2B(10700): meaneth but one kinde of Vsurie, he sheweth, that he meaneth all kinds of Vsurie: CESERM2B(11246): ciselie

Vsurie of any thing, shewing, that all Vsurie is vnlawfull. It is CESERM2B(13013): to steale, sayth, (^lende freely^) , shewing that Vsurie, because she lendeth not CESERM2B(20894): use Vsurers were most enuyed. And to shewe that he was not an Vsurer, he saith, th n CESERM2B(22991): as lawfull for (^Dauid^) to eate the Shew bread, because he had no other foode. Fo CETRAV2A(6497): he many memorable things which I was shewed there, I noted especially a great peec CETRAV2A(17761): is owne house, who went with me, and shewed me the Queenes Palace; (a delicate & P CETRAV2A(22613): ry much into (^Germany^) : all which shewes the painfull industry with Gods blessi n CETRAV2A(33064): ound about vs, (their heads making a shew like a wood) which being followed close CETRAV2A(39439): tainous hunting, Great welcome I had shewed me all my stay at (^Edenborough^) , by CETRAV2A(42950): his Maiesties Dominions. And for to shewe my thankfulnesse to Master (^William Ar CETRAV2A(47591): es Chaplaines, who went with me, and shewed

me the goodly Minster Churc n CETRAV2B(2884): words of theirs, was only in outward shew, to cloake their treacherous practises, CETRAV2B(3068): was the Kings brother, who instantly shewed vs a siluer ring, whereon was ingrauen CETRAV2B(10758): hey said, they were (^Moores^) , and shewed vs their backes all written with Chara CETRAV2B(12084): hee tooke downe into his Cabbin, and shewed him his plat, which he at his comming n CETRI2A(14355): Wa. Ra: and carried allwayes such a shewe of religion in yo=u= that # mens eyes w CETRI2A(15344): Anthony Bacon, # both w=ch= he shold shewe the Queene. Gosnole broughte me both th CETRI2B(11375): of the Council.^) I did read it, and shew you all the Examinations. (^Raleigh.^) A CETRI2B(16234): bscribe to an Examination, there was shewed a Note under Sir (^Walter Raleigh's^) CETRI2B(17121): question'd with him further, and he shew'd them a Letter, as I thought written to CETRI2B(31455): ,214.C1> (^Ld. Cecil.^) Did you ever shew or make known the Book to me? (^Raleigh. ..select B from TABLE where C = 'E3' CEAUTO3(8417): y=t=: & commande men to sweare: then shew it mee & convince mee of this & I woulde CEAUTO3(18484): WORDS of her INTERLINEATED^] & shee shewd y=m= # thinges they askt for [^3 WORDS CEAUTO3(31588): nyeat: come said hee your countenans shewes you have come lately from beyonde seas CEBIO3(1750): d with so much lustre; began then to shew themselves: He aqcuired the (^Latin^) to CEBIO3(5690): n the first Occasion that offered to shew his readiness

to hazard his life i CEBIO3(6191): le Action, the Earl of (^Rochester^) shewed as brave and as resolute a Courage as CEBOETH3(1896): on any occasion of Performance, doth shew a Weakness or want of Power, it must, as CEBOETH3(4873):

drive away these things, he shews clearly his want of that which he did m CEBOETH3(5399): in these Acquisitions, which I have shewed already, not to be able to perform any CEBOETH3(6004): , and who runs may read it, for thou shewedst it to me before, when thou didst end CEBOETH3(6762): nk not indeed; and thou hast already shewed me, that nothing can be desired beyond CEBOETH3(7694): resented to thee, I think it time to shew thee in what the Perfection of Happiness CEBOETH3(9558): e antienter than he. We have already shewn that all perfect things excel those whi CEBOETH3(9793): erfect Goodness. But we have already shewn that perfect Goodness is true Happiness n CEBOETH3(15442): or that which neither in Reality nor Shew doth retain any thing of Good, is by no CEBOETH3(16138): han Good it self. But we have before shewed that it is Happiness for which all the CEBOETH3(16456): om your Opinion. (^Ph.^) And we have shewed that God and Happiness are

ins CEBOETH3(25036): dy, yet the Qualities of their Souls shew them to be changed into them. But I woul CEBOETH3(25242): or is it in their Power, as shall be shewed in a convenient Place; but if this Pow CEBOETH3(30486): l if it were perpetual. After this I shewed that ill Men are more unhappy if they CEBOETH3(32189): Company of those which I have before shewed to resemble Beasts? What wilt thou say CEDIAR3B(11150): ose temper of the Pr: of Orange, who shewed so little # Countenance to the Nobleme CEDIAR3B(12297): on 97:Psal:1. a very honest Sermon, shewing our duty to God for the many # signal CEDIAR3B(12453): 3{] Our Lecturer on his former Text, shewing how all # power

flowes from G CEDIAR3B(14947): specialy the Princesse, would have # shewed some (seeming) reluctancy at least, of CEDIAR3B(15181): ary a # proceeding, which would have shewed very handsomly to the world, (and acco CEEDUC3A(18354): ereafter doe you be sure to keep and shew the authority # of a father now, if you CEEDUC3B(1065): and in how short a space, but onely shew how a multitude of various wits may be t CEEDUC3B(6729): e single letter, and after they have shewed it to the childe in the Alphabet, have CEEDUC3B(7134): e in throwing this upon a table, and shewing him the letter onely which lay upperm CEEDUC3B(9935): , he said, in a hole, in a hole, and shewed it him; which the lesser childe then t CEEDUC3B(10303): A B C^) , and would take pleasure to shew them in any book to any of his acquainta CEFICT3A(33365): ference between young and old Flesh, shewed some Kindness more than ordinary to he CEFICT3B(28242): there. He made me some answers that shew'd a doubt in him, which made me ask, wha CEHAND3A(12173): e he # is, that very (^Chub^) that I shewed you with the white spot on his tail: a CEHAND3B(27909): in Pruning, it will be necessary to shew what Years Branches bear Fruit in each k CEHIST3A(30931): s all round it, an inch broad, which shewed he was strangled. His breast was likew CEHIST3B(7474): hom (^Ethelbert^) indeed principally shewed his favour, but compell'd none. For so CEHIST3B(18443): cy (^Edmund^) perceaving, and op'nly shewing himself to his Souldiers, by a spear CEHIST3B(34978): tance, and emphatical expression, to shew the small power of Kings in respect of G CELAW3(12124): his Discharge if such Prisoner shall shew a Duplicate of his or her Discharge unde CELAW3(12355): Liberty him or her soe arrested and shewing such Duplicate then and in such Case CELAW3(26194): are att the next Quarter Sessions or shew cause why the said High-ways should not CEOFFIC3(25128): to bee in and your # Excellency has shewd mee Letters to ye same effect out of Ir CEPLAY3A(32150): s together this once; and if I don't shew my Breeding from the # head to the foot CEPLAY3A(32342): rage me - (^Miss.^) Never fear, I'll shew him my Parts, I'll warrant him. ( (^Exit CEPLAY3A(35326): the Church, and the Devil; # she'll shew 'em sport I'll warrant 'em. But no matte CEPLAY3B(843): n the Hall this Hour, and no Body to shew them to their Chambers. (^Cher.^) And le CEPLAY3B(1335): ry welcome, Gentlemen - Chamberlain, shew the (^Lyon^) and the (^Rose^) . (^Exit w CEPLAY3B(2368): I am in the Age of my Children: I'll shew you such Ale - Here, Tapster, broach Num CEPLAY3B(9814): but we came off with flying Colours, shew'd no signs of want either in Word or Dee CEPRIV3(63684): him w=n= he goes. I presume you were shewed y=e= fine # things y=r= father brought CEPRIV3(74746): he children &c. as oft as you # can. Shew not my letters. When you think fit to se CESCIE3A(5868): ose office in this Particular I have shewn in the # Explication of Charcole.

to shew that there is no such Reason and necessi CESERM3B(5495): referr'd gold before a good man) and shew themselves to be less than money by over CETRAV3A(15911): d a private marke on the stuff which shews its defficiency.

Here was also CETRAV3A(18997): now much decay'd and the ruines only shews its dimentions; there is a very high hi CETRAV3A(23170): ; he is esteem'd a very rich man; he shewed me a Curiosity of an Herball all writt CETRAV3A(26878): ls in breadth and 7 in length, so it shews one from top to toe; the roomes were al CETRAV3B(2841): till Afternoon by a stately Banquet, shewing us the Civility of the Church and Col CETRAV3B(6728): urt of Judicature (as those going to shew it will needs give Names) or Place of Au CETRAV3B(13854): in (^India^) , or else Latised. They shew their Greatness by their number of (^Sum CETRI3B(8342): ied me into no Room, the young Woman shew'd me into a Room. (^L. C. J.^) What Room CETRI3B(25786): o many Lyes as he has here told; for shew me a Presbyterian, and I will engage to CETRI3B(25831): a Presbyterian, and I will engage to shew a lying Knave. (^Lisle.^) My Lord, I abh .show The output of the script hc_grep "(?i)\b(ss?c?h|ss)ow(?!er)[^tlr]" detail has been manually sorted. ..select B from TABLE where C like 'O%1' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'O%2' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'O%3' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'O%4' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'M%1' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'M%2' CMSIRITH(2243): au ich nabbe nout ben her Mi loue to schowe. Wile +ti louerd is in toune, Ne mai no CMTHRUSH(2147): +tou art me lo+t Sweche tales for to showe. Among a +tousent leuedies I-tolde, +Te ..select B from TABLE where C like 'M%3' ..select B from TABLE where C like 'M%4' CMLUDUS(5062): celle I xal hem teche pleys fyn and showe such myrthe as is in helle It were more CMMIRK(3312): ue not schryuen hom, hit schall # be schowet to all +te world yn gret confusyon and CMMIRK(5591): e dome, and al seyntys wyth hym, and schow all his wondys all fresch, and newe, and CMSIEGE(519): meraculs +tat almytty God wro+gt to schow his goodnys and of gret vengans +tat he CMSIEGE(8235): ys and grete meracullys, and +tat he schowyd hymeselfe verry God and man, and how h CMSIEGE(15769): spake to Cleyment and told hyme why schow was come, and +te pope was ful glade. An CMSIEGE(39256): tombe of Waspasion the Emparovr, God schowyd myracullys to blynd and to lame. And T ..select B from TABLE where C = 'E1' CEAUTO1(2462): erfor, yfe that yow have nothynge to showe for your # dyscharge, acordynge as I ha CEAUTO1(9139): harte God oppynyd above the reste to showe marsy unto me, for he knewe that the ke CEAUTO1(9313): te for my dyette, dyssyerynge hym to showe me favore for hys sake, "and I wyll be * CEBIO1(1232): the Citye, did put of his hosen and showes, barefoote and barlegged passing throw CEEDUC1A(28703): of a christen prince, ye mought haue showed your wonderfull beneuolence and courag CEFICT1B(19841): ds vsage, in all pointes, and that I showed her the same for good wyll, and # byde CEHIST1A(23169): she # delited to be suid vnto, & to show what she was able to do wyth the king, o CEOFFIC1(15621): ardon, & also by your Highness, were show'd unto your Councell, whereby they evide CEOFFIC1(15984): at your good pleasure to be eftsone showed, doth right largely appear. Neverthele CEPLAY1B(11375): may serue, though I no word spoke. (^Showing his broken head.^) (^Chat^) Bicause t CEPLAY1B(11717): l declare, any day this six weekes (^Showing his heade.^) (^Baily^) Answere me to CEPLAY1B(24627): old foole, wit to saue his eares? He showeth himselfe herein ye see, so very a cox CESERM1B(5908): haue me here to make answere and to showe the cause thereof. Nay thys land is not CETRAV1B(29370): s, The fynger of Seynt John, that he showyd ower savor with whanne he seyd (\Ecce ..select B from TABLE where C = 'E2' CEAUTO2(4549): r 4 yers space. Thes visions God did showe him in his youth, to signifie unto him CEAUTO2(16908): e # lasted longe, as herafter shalbe showed. [}HOWE SIMON AND HIS MISTRES FELL AT n CEBOETH2(1868): bscure matter or ignoble, or of more show than any other dignitie? But # consider n CEBOETH2(2202): Then it followes, that we confesse a show of glory doth nothing differ from the ot CEBOETH2(4418): quoth I, "and to a litle afore thou showedst, In opening the faulse # cause. For CEBOETH2(4964): ate?" "No," quoth I, "That thou hast showde sufficiently, as nothing more doth nee CEBOETH2(7189): t & aboue all: for the perfetest doo show them sellves first afore the lesser sort CEBOETH2(12464): should doute heerof. And God we haue showed to be the only & alone good. So may we CEBOETH2(12949): was sayd." "Be it so." "Haue not we showed, that those thinges that be desyrd of CEBOETH2(17722): therfore all desyre. And one we haue showed that is only good. Since therfore ech n CEBOETH2(18607): nde to beastes be transformd, tho in show they kepe the forme of humayn body. And CEBOETH2(18815): she, "as in convenyent place I will showe. And yet if that were taken away from t CEBOETH2(20460): ion is made, it were reson he should showe, that ther hath bene som falshod in the CEBOETH2(21741): compted vnhappy, whose mysfortune is showed him thorow the # participation of som CEHIST2B(20971): able to judge them; by the rest, to show themselves valiant, in things which pert CEPLAY2A(1683): well-nye worne to peeces with age To show himselfe a yong Gallant? What an vnwaled n CEPLAY2A(5048): 's appoint him a meeting: giue him a show of comfort in his Suit, and lead him on * CEPLAY2B(9619): me, good faith 'tis downe, I cannot show't you, I must pull too many things out t CEPRIV2(62804): n, which he would not beleeve till I showed him the will, he is now # confirmed in CESERM2A(17102): t that day, when the Lord Iesus shal show himselfe from heaven with his mighty ang ..select B from TABLE where C = 'E3' CEDIAR3A(22258): agent hath received from Bredah, and showed at Court today, that they are come ver CEEDUC3A(12895): as he # grows more towards a man, it shows his faults the more, soe that # there b CEEDUC3B(9591): 9> This he brought to the childe, & showed him onely the letter O, and told him w n CEPLAY3B(29149): ce of Villainy - (^They talk in dumb show.^) (^Aim.^) I fancy, (^Archer^) , you ha n CEPLAY3B(30469): you may cure. - (^Makes Love in dumb show.^) L. (^Boun.^) Let me see your Arm, Sir n CETRAV3A(17330): nd there are playes and all sorts of shows that day, in little what is done at the n CETRAV3A(17397): is done at the Lord Major of London show; then they have a great feast with fine CETRAV3B(4303): iece of extraordinary Civility, they showed us the Necessary House; and it is so i