1 1632 The couragious Turke, or,... : none can abate the rigor of the law, but the law-giver; but methoughts i saw, (or hop'd i saw) some watry beames of mercy, 2 1649 Regale lectum miseria, o... &; maners needs must have their change:'t is true, i dream'd methoughts my watchful eys Observ'd a king, and then a sacrifice; and ravish'd with 3 1649 Regale lectum miseria, o... have easily broke Th' obdurest heart; i turn'd away my eye, and suddenly methoughts i did espie a sacrifice; which when i did behold, my bloud recoiled 4 1649 Regale lectum miseria, o... my bloud recoiled, and my heart grew cold: i was transported, and methoughts the place whereon i stood, seem'd bloudy for a space: i trembling, 5 1649 Regale lectum miseria, o... appear'd a large pretending rout, as well be-ear'd as balam's Asse, methoughts they did excell the Asse in eares, but could not speak so well: 6 1649 Regale lectum miseria, o... they did excell the Asse in eares, but could not speak so well: methoughts they call'd a Counsell to contrive their high designs, and zealously dissive some great 7 1649 Regale lectum miseria, o... such cast-up eyes: one i observ'd amongst the studious race " that had (methoughts) a bone-fire in his face: " another i descry'd amongst the pack " 8 1655 Artamenes, or, The Grand ... wont; and i begin to think she hath not that beauty and spirit which methoughts she had: but anabaris, though she were fairer then ever venus is painted 9 1656 Poems written by A. Cowley. seemed to be but a faint metaphor of thee: [.] [.] but then (methoughts) there something shined within, which cast this lustre o're thy skin: 10 1656 Poems written by A. Cowley. [.] [.] the valley now this monster seemed to fill; 46 and we (methoughts) looked up to'him from our hill: [.] [.] 47 all arm'ed in brass 11 1656 Sportive vvit the muses m... and first read to m honest mantuan, then virgils eclogues, being entred thus methoughts i straight had mounted pegasus, and in his full careere could make him stop 12 1658 A chain of golden poems e... 're desir'd: all your discourse was of such pretty stuff, that i (methoughts) could never hear enough: your conversation did my motive prove; so mine 13 1659 Hymen's praludia, or, Lo... the day time i avoided the society of men, and in the night, methoughts i saw perpetually at my beds head, the unfortunate images of elisena and artesia 14 1660 The visions and prophecie... but yet i know not how, the whole was so managed, that, methoughts, it somewhat represented the life of him for whom it was made; much 15 1660 Andromana, or, The mercha... dreamt this night plangus was cloathd like innocence, all white; and andromana then methoughts was grown so black, nothing but all one guilt was shewn: what shall 16 1661 A vision, concerning his ... but yet i know not how, the whole was so managed, that, methoughts, it somewhat represented the life of him for whom it was made; much 17 1661 Wit and drollery joviall ... and all we see Disperst collected is but she: a maide at this discourse methoughts, love, both ambition in me wrought and made me covet to ingross a 18 1662 Coll. Henry Marten's fami... likest the ale that went last to kennington, it was p's, but methoughts not so good as it was wont to be: [.] # this keeper of 19 1663 Cutter of Coleman-Street ... my drinks: dear, and how wast?'t was a pretty song, methoughts: [.] [.] [.] cut: # o divine tabitha! here come the Fidlers 20 1663 The villain a tragedy / w... [.] colig: that they all drew and kill'd one another; the iron age methoughts was come again: [.] [.] d'or: sirrah, leave off your poetry and 21 1663 The adventures of five ho... came is newly open'd, or my ears deceive me: [.] [.] die: methoughts i heard it too, let us peep in: [ they look into the 22 1664 An exact narrative of the... my self; i read it over; what thought you upon reading it? methoughts it was mettlefome stuffe, the man was a hot fiery man that wrote it 23 1664 The comical revenge, or, ... ? [.] [.] letic: with one that like my self did newly bloom: methoughts his actions were above his years: [.] she weeps: [.] aurel: leticia 24 1665 Pandion and Amphigenia, o... reigns to my passion, i could have drowned my self in tears; for methoughts i felt my vey soul transformed into sorrow it self: but to proceed, 25 1665 Pandion and Amphigenia, o... much pressed him to the contrary: but as he went (poor gentleman) methoughts i saw a doleful hearse of sorrow in his looks, his heavy eyes with 26 1665 Pandion and Amphigenia, o... heart against me; and forced her to blush forth a dumb consent, when methoughts i saw her former thoughts marching out of her mind with the colours flying in 27 1667 A true and faithful accou... was written in them, neither do i know what country-man he was; but methoughts he looked something jesuitical-like: this i am certain of, that when i went 28 1668 The English rogue describ... on such who have offended an infinite god, absolutely distracted me: so that methoughts, i already heard the howls and hollow grones of damned souls, which add 29 1669 Pluto furens & vinctu... fellow as shackles and you gentlemen, were imployed to take coffo-philo; and, methoughts, one of you did cunningly run his sword into his belly, so that 30 1669 The vulcano's, or, Burnin... burning bitumen: here forthwith being astonished at the unusual sight of the thing; methoughts i beheld the habitation of hell; wherein nothing else seemed to be much wanting 31 1669 Psittacorum regio, the la... , and whilst others neglected them, have kindled a bold attempt in me, methoughts i saw thes unknown lands, which no man s~ much as dreamed of; 32 1671 Juliana, or, The princess... #'t was a confus'd one: of the duke, and my princess, methoughts i met'um in a grove; and in a house i wounded him; 33 1671 The womens conquest a tra... their camp has not the like: [.] [.] drax: in our late skirmish methoughts they fought like dragons, and handl'd their bows with more dexterity then parthians 34 1671 The straights voyage, or,... of pendants tide, at each yard one, white, red, blew, methoughts they made a goodly shew: our officers, if i should name, methinks 35 1671 The straights voyage, or,... young-man did a jack-flag spread: at each yard arm, our pendants blow, methoughts they made a goodly show: he noble was to them oth' side: and 36 1671 The straights voyage, or,... if a flask: a week in this same muddy sort, we rid, methoughts it was good sport; to see them reel about with casks, as at 37 1672 Westminster-drollery, or,... first these eyes, unhappy eyes, met with the author of my wo, methoughts our souls did sympathize, and it was death to say him no: he 38 1672 Westminster-drollery, or,... war on me, i never fancied laddy till i saw mine enemy: o methoughts he was the blhest one that e're i set mine eyes upon: vvell might 39 1672 Poor Robins parley with D... would not grieve to see't, Forc'd to claim kindred with a ballad sheet? methoughts it could not be, wild's noble vain, should dwinde thus into a 40 1672 Poor Robbin's parley with... who would not grieve to see't, Forc'd to claim kindred with a ballad-sheet? methoughts it could not be, wild's noble vain, should dwindle thus into a 41 1673 The reformation a comedy ... the certain retreat of a broken gamster: [.] [.] [.] ped: # but methoughts it was a little undecent for a man of my quality, to walk the 42 1673 The reformation a comedy ... vvere all of you, you night and day dispose my thoughts: one time methoughts you loved another vvoman more than me, that troubled me a little, as 43 1673 The canting academy, or, ... in telling me my fortunes, i with much earnestness observed his countenance, which methoughts i knew, notwithstanding its tawny dye; i view'd it again and again, 44 1673 A reproof to the Rehearsa... be not altogether so impudent as this, yet when i first read it, methoughts it was somewhat more pleasant, that my preface intermedles Pag: 7: with the 45 1673 A Magical vision, or, A p... a small wand that his spirit held, and then every thing vanisht, and methoughts it appeard about that time, when stars grown pale at the arrival of their 46 1674 Nevv lords, nevv lavvs, o... which i might go whither my business lay, but whilst i was thus considering methoughts a strange thing came into my mind, viz: that i must go over the 47 1674 Nevv lords, nevv lavvs, o... came over so dangerous a place without hurt, but passing towards my business, methoughts i was discouraged, and given to doubt, that at that time i should 48 1674 Macbeth a tragady : with... as soon as done, lest they distract the doer: [.] [.] macb: methoughts i heard a noise cry, sleep no more: macbeth has murder'd sleep, 49 1674 Macbeth a tragady : with... : but this place, madam, is more free from terror: last night methoughts i heard a dismal noise of shrieks and groanings in the air: [.] [.] 50 1674 Hymen's praludia, or Lov... , he came armed at all points to take his leave of me, and methoughts i saw his anger sparkle in his eyes, however he struggled with himself in 51 1675 Love in the dark, or, The... not hear him speak, nor touch him: [.] [.] [.] cor: # methoughts i ran him through and through, yet he never cry'd oh for't; and 52 1675 The history of the Sevari... his own language, as we imagined, and as we were told afterwards: methoughts their speech sounded much like the greek or Latine, as i have sometimes heard 53 1676 The man of mode, or, Sr. ... considerable: besides i hear she likes you too! [.] [.] sir fop: methoughts she seem'd though very reserv'd, and uneasie all the time i entertain'd her: 54 1676 The man of mode, or, Sr. ... he's alwayes over-mannerly when he has done a mischief: [.] [.] bell: methoughts indeed at the same time he had a strange despising countenance: [.] [.] pert 55 1676 An Elegy on the much-bewa... 'ith pulpit paul to hear, he had been Satisfi'd hadst thou been there; methoughts when thy sweet soul was poured out in fervent prayer, i began to doubt 56 1677 The destruction of Jerusa... e're my soul was made; yet as my dawning soul began to rise, methoughts i knocking heard, and distant cries: and from the ground a sulph'rous vapour 57 1677 The destruction of Jerusa... i cou'd not rest till i assum'd the power; where e're i went, methoughts a voice wou'd cry, john! john! take up the fallen dignity: 58 1677 The debauchee, or, The cr... careless, was talking so affectionately of your ladyship, and so tenderly, that methoughts, i cou'd have stay'd a whole day to have heard him: [.] [.] 59 1677 The rival kings, or, The ... wilt thou shew thy face, when such as she lookes with deceitful grace, methoughts i saw her high illustrious mind Sate only with severity inshrin'd, and thought 60 1677 Circe a tragedy as it is ... blush to own that you are here so soon victorious grown; but Heav'n, methoughts, bade me receive the dart, and told me't was a crime to 61 1678 Poor Robins perambulation... had no list to drink, now other thoughts into my mind did sink; methoughts i was as dry as was a bottle Turn'd upside downward, and without a 62 1678 Ripley reviv'd, or, An ex... saw a most exquisite light, which took up an incredible small room, and methoughts my head seemed as it were diaphanous: and while i considered these things, 63 1678 Ripley reviv'd, or, An ex... came upon me, and i fell and slumbered; and when i awaked, methoughts it was no more darkness, but day-light about me: i wondered at the 64 1679 A narrative and impartial... was written in them, neither do i know what country-man he was; but methoughts he looked something jesuit-like: this i am certain of, that when i went 65 1679 The Princess of Cleves th... , by a natural inclination it was not in my power to vanquish: yet methoughts she cool'd in her love of me; and where, had i been wise 66 1679 Noah's flood, or, The des... shone like gold; nay, they so beautiful, so fair did seem, methoughts i took and eat'em in my dream: then a bright maid, did 67 1679 Noah's flood, or, The des... broil begun; though in his looks a deadly paleness lies, yet i, methoughts, saw bloodshots in his eyes: he grimly glar'd around, i judg, 68 1679 A paraphrase upon the Can... [.] pro iniquitate vidi tentoria: i saw the tents of egypt in distress, methoughts i heard their doleful groans; the land did tremble, and its emptiness an 69 1680 The English rogue continu... of the father; and i was then again sensibly afflicted at his absence, methoughts in that infancy there was so much resemblance of my beloved deceiver, that i 70 1680 The history of the damnab... ; whom with langhorne poor langhorne! not one word of praise for thee! methoughts thou lookedst as apostolically as the best of them: but this't is to 71 1681 Seven Portuguese letters ... ecstasies of my joy, when you have come to see me, because, methoughts, i read in your eyes that you wished i would use more moderation: 72 1681 Seven Portuguese letters ... you, yet for my life i could not forbear admiring all your wayes; methoughts your very disdains had in'em an i know not what of greatness and majesty 73 1681 The critick written origi... , some of a gold, others of a silver colour, there only, methoughts, wanted green, that acceptable and grateful object of the sight: that, 74 1681 The critick written origi... : and i to revive with his sight, whom i chearfully saluted, but methoughts, with something more cool affections: the sun, said critilo, at the 75 1682 A new voyage to the East-... seventeen years, but i began to grow weary of the life i led: methoughts it was time to think of departing, the difficulty was to find the means 76 1682 A relation of an unfortun... me, perhaps, as much good as if it had been real; for methoughts i felt it mighty comfortable, so that i fell asleep, and at waking 77 1682 Grammatical drollery cons... : [.] 2: [.] but when at a ball i saw pretty mall, methoughts she tript it so fine, i felt such a smart, that i us'd 78 1682 Grammatical drollery cons... and miter too, with triple-crown all made of cards: and being thus, methoughts it was preposterous for cards made for the hand, not head, or i 79 1682 The London cockolds a com... found such a stone, to look if there were any such house thereabouts as methoughts i saw her slip into just as i fell: [.] [.] [.] dood: 80 1683 Anacreon done into Englis... : who in their sport and am'rous flight made up this Landskip of delight: methoughts (but oh't was but a dream) i wandring spied a spotless train 81 1683 Anacreon done into Englis... yet this alas but fann'd the fire, and added wings to my desire: methoughts i made the greater hast, and seiz'd the amorous prey at last: and 82 1683 The Second part of The pi... , and eternally bear them company in the everlasting burnings: [.] # and then methoughts i saw wretched man in a most forlorn and despairing manner, bitterly exclaiming against 83 1683 The Second part of The pi... sorrowful posture, i fell asleep, and in my sleep i dreamed, and methoughts i saw at some distance, an innumerable company of men, women and children 84 1683 The Second part of The pi... and playing with flames that never go out; and as i stood there, methoughts i could hear the horrible out-cries and dismal screeches of the damned, and the 85 1683 The Second part of The pi... from the wrath to come: and behold as i looked earnestly upon them, methoughts i saw sometimes one, and sometimes another drop into the pit, and the 86 1683 The Second part of The pi... sometimes another drop into the pit, and the flames catched hold of them, methoughts when they were falling they struggled with all their might and main, endeavouring if 87 1684 Plato's demon, or, The st... #'t was a perfect free monarchy, which so incens'd plato redivivus, who methoughts was of the company, that in the height of our debate we had like 88 1684 Dame Dobson, or, The cunn... a-pee, as i came from training, seeing my self in the glass, methoughts i had such a marshal air, and look'd so like a warrior, i 89 1685 Sylva, or, The second pa... detains, Water'd with springs that murmur'd thro' the plains: beneath the shade, methoughts, i careless lay, to cool the former fury of the day; yet 90 1685 Heavenly pastime, or, Ple... a blew mist came o're my eyes, and doz'd my senses; when methoughts a lovely youth ld in a glorious garb, stood by me, and with 91 1685 An hue and cry after cons... get rid on it: we crossed the way into pretenders street, and there methoughts we met a fellow very demure, his eyes still fixd upon the ground, 92 1685 Valentinian, a tragedy as... did round me dance: debates arose betwixt the Pow'rs above and those below: methoughts they talkt of love: and nam'd me often; but it could not be 93 1685 The doctrine of the law a... as clearly and as really with the eyes of my soul, as ever (methoughts) i had seen a penny-loaf bought with a penny; which things then discovered 94 1686 Astro-meteorologica, or, ... dream't or hop'd for such authority perhaps in the new, &; c: methoughts i should find one month of the xii: at least, bring a perpetual 95 1686 Coffee-house jests. Refin... he, when i saw the brim of it button'd up on one side, methoughts it lookt just like a trap-door nail'd up; and his body, having a 96 1687 The works of Mr. John Cle... draw all that is meant i'th'gospel, or i'th'law: looking upon the resurrection, methoughts i saw the blessed vision, where not his face is meerly drawn, but 97 1687 The emperor of the moon a... emperor of the moon world was in our house, dancing and revelling; and methoughts his grace was fallen desperately in love with Mistriss elaria, and that his brother 98 1687 The emperor of the moon a... , sir, of thunderland, was also in love with Mistriss bellemante; and methoughts they descended to court'em in your absence: and that at last you surpris'd 99 1688 The royal commentaries of... , whom i drove from me, i had compassion of him, for, methoughts, it was pity to commit that poor rascal alone to the Gallies, and 100 1688 Darius King of Persia a t... ? i gave you kingdoms, and with greater joy than you receiv'd'emoh! methoughts i gain'd, what i gave you, and these are my rewards: you 101 1680 Self-conflict, or, The po... nam'd kind courtship, and derided those, who a chast conversation rather chose: methoughts his words and eyes bewray'd a mind inclinable to pleasures of each kind: 102 1680 Poems on several occasion... he gave, melted away! i was so highly happy in his love, methoughts i pitti'd them that dwelt above! think then thou greatest, lovelyest, 103 1680 The loving enemies a come... he pretends to hide: but yet brother, last nights dream disturbs me: methoughts a young gentleman of that house kill'd you, and i in just revenge stabb'd 104 1680 The Tryal of Thomas, Earl... this i say, that (under favour) mr: treasurer was in this (methoughts) a little dubious; he was something doubtful; for, at the first 105 1680 The vvits paraphras'd, or... i have thee cross the stream by any means, for last nights dream: methoughts i saw a monstrous sturgeon, all batter'd, crying for a surgeon, all 106 1681 Ovid travestie, a burlesq... , like a shitten Girle, began to cry; i had no mind, methoughts, to say, god b'w'y: i heard tarpaulins roar out, hoise up 107 1681 The souldiers fortune a c... : [.] [.] [.] verm: # no, sir, not i, but methoughts i saw our great dog touzer, with his brass collar on, stand at 108 1682 The injured princess, or,... the cave: [.] bellar: turning my head towards you point o'th' sea, methoughts i heard a noise of drums and trumpets, with shouts of men, as 109 1683 The Second part of The pi... the occasion of this, and where shall i fix the reason thereof: and methoughts i found my mind wonderfully grieved and perplexed because i could obtain no satisfaction therein 110 1683 The Second part of The pi... , i drew near to him, to observe what he would do, and methoughts i heard him say thus to himself: the truth is, i now see 111 1683 The Second part of The pi... thee plainly, that through many tribulations thou must inherit the kingdom: upon which methoughts he began to shrink, and shruging up his shoulders, was about to address 112 1683 The Second part of The pi... love, and the wonderful and amazing offers of the divine bounty: upon this methoughts i saw him tremble and look as if he were in a straight, and 113 1683 The Second part of The pi... and misery, i received likewise information of your remedy too: at which words methoughts the man suddenly revived and looked chearful, as if the power and efficacy of 114 1683 The Second part of The pi... some who knew him, that his name was affection: [.] # and now methoughts i heard conscience begin again to round in his ears, the greatness of his 115 1683 The Second part of The pi... more desirous to inform my self what he did there; to which end, methoughts i crept as near to the place as possibly i could without being discovered, 116 1683 The Second part of The pi... proposed: he turned about, and was going away in a rage, but methoughts i saw judgment lay hold on him, and cry, pray sir turn again 117 1683 The Second part of The pi... relish with thee then, when they are thus seasoned and sauced: [.] # methoughts at this discourse i saw him begin to shrink, and could perceive him to 118 1683 The Second part of The pi... of his victory, and the happiness he expected as the consequence thereof; and methoughts i could do no less than rejoyce with him too: but as i lifted 119 1683 The Second part of The pi... some never find the way out, but are lost therein for ever: now methoughts, i said to my self, alas, poor man, what wilt thou 120 1683 The Second part of The pi... so for ever, in defiance of thee and all thou canst do: hereat methoughts the fiend stormed exceedingly, and with a fierce and terrible countenance, he roared 121 1683 The Second part of The pi... certainly true; resist the devil and he will flee from you: and now methoughts i saw the man look very chearfully, and discover much briskness and agility in 122 1683 The Second part of The pi... the fiend, who was as i am informed the prince of darkness himself: methoughts i found my self very much grieved and troubled thereat, concluding that he had 123 1683 The Second part of The pi... , exalt and laud the name of him who doth me help always: # methoughts after this victory he went forward with more speed and swiftness than before, and 124 1683 The Second part of The pi... a nearer and a more universal compliance with the divine will: [.] # now methoughts seeing the three pilgrims thus parted, i became strangely concerned thereat, and it 125 1683 The Second part of The pi... : so that from head to foot, there was no part free; but methoughts he appeared covered all over with blood; his face was sadly mortified, and 126 1683 The Second part of The pi... given you unquestionable demonstrations thereof: [.] # the king having made this declaration, methoughts i saw believer, (who had before he would adventure to approach the table 127 1683 The Second part of The pi... to that memorial of his covenant, and certificate of his marriage: and then methoughts i heard believer sing softly to himself the following himn: [.] thou'st brought my 128 1683 The Second part of The pi... , and triumph in god my saviour, amen, amen: [.] # and methoughts, i saw him rise from his knees in a most humble, serious, 129 1683 The Second part of The pi... name to it, as he had done at the first: [.] # whereupon methoughts i looked up, and saw the son of the blessed, stand by the 130 1683 The Second part of The pi... , freeness, sweetness, and redundancy of thy joy: [.] # and now methoughts i saw him go forward in his pilgrimage with more speed and diligence than ever 131 1683 The Second part of The pi... have the seal of it renewed likewise, which was presently granted: and now methoughts i could discern him to eat more heartily, and drink more freely at the 132 1683 The Second part of The pi... to the celestial Paradice, there to prepare a place for him: and now methoughts i could easily discern him to be exceedingly filled with admiration and wonder, at 133 1683 The Second part of The pi... for ever and ever, world without end: amen: [.] # and now methoughts when i saw the gates opened to give admittance to this happy pilgrim, i 134 1683 The Second part of The pi... mortality longer endure the sight of its glory which now so ovewhelmed me, that methoughts i sunk down and fainted away; whereupon i awoke, and found my self 135 1683 The poets dream: or, The ... have them to iayl, and that's the cause that the land complains: methoughts a mighty hunting-match, was made by Bayliffs and their Currs: poor men was 136 1683 The poets dream: or, The ... 's the cause that the land complains: when i awaked from my dream, methoughts the world turn'd upside down, and in great haste i writ this Theam, 137 1684 An essay for the recordin... day brought away from hatfield, which were about a mile off; and here methoughts was matter of joy and sorrow both, to see the company: some company 138 1684 The atheist, or, The seco... and not have a shilling to help himself: [.] [.] [.] court: # methoughts, as i look'd into the room, he ratled the box with a great 139 1685 Kyrou paideia, or, The in... wise in their administration, and happy in their conduct: it was also, methoughts, observable in most private families, where the masters have some of them numerous 140 1685 Kyrou paideia, or, The in... to walk or to run; but over and above that, i found, methoughts, a certain complacency to my self in so doing: in regard therefore that 141 1686 Poems by Mrs. Anne Killig... but i will not fear: for when'gainst love he fiercest did inveigh, methoughts i saw thee turn with scorn away: [.] [.] ami: alcimedon according to 142 1686 The devil of a wife, or, ... as much use as any implement about thee: [.] [.] [.] Iane: # methoughts he look'd like one of the old patriarchs, in the arras i have seen 143 1689 Britannia languens: or, A... ; whom with langhorne poor langhorne! not one word of praise for thee! methoughts thou lookedst as apostolically as the best of them: but this't is to 144 1691 A voyage round the world,... not, i cou'd not want it: [.] # but for all this, methoughts apprenticeship had in it something of i knew not what, that i could not 145 1691 A voyage round the world,... and sometimes whistling himself to bear them company in their melodies: a long time methoughts i saw him thus sweetly entertain himself, and at last he pull'd out of 146 1691 A voyage round the world,... whistle at the end; and a Tipsie cradle reeling in the corner, (methoughts) were a pretty sort of goods, and not unhandsom furniture: a whole 147 1691 A voyage round the world,... a ix-footed animal: [.] # then turning my eyes towards the cupboard (where methoughts i could with a million of thanks have squeezed in my aded corpse for a 148 1691 A voyage round the world,... my self to, for the appeasing of an hungry stomach: [.] # now methoughts i began to loath my afore-named manna, blackberries, nuts, crabs, bullice 149 1691 A voyage round the world,... to furnish the god of love which dats: when she open'd her mouth, methoughts i saw the three graces sporting in her countenance, when she smiles there needs 150 1691 A voyage round the world,... that a blew mist came o're my eyes and doz'd my senses; when methoughts a lovely youth clad in a glorious garb stood by me, and with beaming 151 1691 A voyage round the world,... design? but scarce ever i am so, i was highly well pleased, methoughts whilst i expected, whilst i hoped for a new sight of london, till 152 1692 A voyage to the world of ... ; and that though i did not see forthwith the faults of them, yet methoughts i saw them: upon that i presented them to two of my friends, 153 1692 Five new plays ... as the... heard you not that, my lord? [.] [.] [.] ler: i heard methoughts a groan as horrible as if great nature's frame had crackt in two, 154 1693 Poems upon several occasi... sweets did flow, and as we reap'd successive joys did grow: at last methoughts she did her rays display, and drove the horror of the night away; 155 1693 Henry the Second, King of... , verulam, i scarce could feel the speed my spurs created, and yet methoughts't was a slow pace to love [.] [.] veru: it is not fit 156 1693 The gentleman dancing-mas... i will know it, speak: [.] [.] [.] pru: # why then methoughts last night you came up into my chamber in your shirt, when i was 157 1693 The gentleman dancing-mas... eat me: [.] [.] [.] pru: # not guess yet! why then methoughts you came to bed to me? now am i as red as my petticoat 158 1693 A new martyrology, or, Th... weight upon me leant, half waking, and yet sleeping thus i dreamt: methoughts i saw a lawyer at his book, studying pecunia, but never cooke; 159 1693 A new martyrology, or, Th... the whiggs and say, thou hates the ill-contriv'd Fanatick way: with that methoughts i saw him tack about, and straight he courted the Curs'd romish rout, 160 1693 A new martyrology, or, Th... and would climb, Altho' they break their necks the very time, and now methoughts he hearing preparations, that were a forming in the neighbour nations, prepares for 161 1694 The ambitious slave, or, ... , and to confirme that faith sleeping this night i saw the sweetest vision: methoughts, a glittring troop danced all around me, Clapt their gay wings, and 162 1694 The innocent usurper, or,... reach th' almighty's ear, thunder from high grows lowder than my prayer: methoughts the diamond bolts of Heav'n were barr'd, and straight the noise of falling crowns 163 1694 The satyr of Titus Petron... he hop'd from the clearness of the heavens, lycas, turning to tryphena, methoughts, said he, about midnight the vision of priapus appear'd to me, and 164 1694 The satyr of Titus Petron... startl'd, and you'd swear we slept together, rply'd she, for methoughts the image of neptune having struck his trident thrice against the baje, told me 165 1695 The temple of death a poe... yet a child, your looks at once were awful, and yet mild: methoughts you Blush'd, as conscious of my flame, Whil'st your strict Vertue did your 166 1695 The history of the troubl... riding suit, which he had on that day sevennight at hampton-court with me: methoughts i wondred to see him (for i left him sick at home) and 167 1695 A Brief enquiry into the ... to the throne, and that you insisted pretty long upon that head; yet methoughts you were a little too short in telling us only that king Iames (who 168 1695 A Brief enquiry into the ... of money without consent of parliament, and of exercising his dispensing power; yet methoughts you seem chiefly to place this vacancy of the throne upon king iames's abdication 169 1696 The Cornish comedy as it ... hath cooled my courage, yet i am in a sweat, he talked, methoughts, very merrily, therefore i judge he hath been playing the rogue, what 170 1697 Two books of elegies in i... done, as thestius, is said, to burn her son: and yet methoughts't was very hard, that they, Shou'd feel the flames, that cou'd 171 1697 Two books of elegies in i... Blest, had Banish'd cares, and Charm'd my soul to rest, Amaz'd, methoughts i saw a goddess stand, holding a little wanton by the hand; my 172 1697 Two books of elegies in i... do: [.] a dream: [.] i dreamt, and in my dream, methoughts i saw, the good anacreon, he call'd me too; i ran with 173 1697 Miscellany poems o'th' sudden crack'd, and sighing broke; it broke, and said, (methoughts) to me, think of thy own mortality: [.] a morning thought, 174 1698 Caligula a tragedy, as it... the spirit that he reigns: i wonder not you left me far behind, methoughts your fiery steeds outran the wind; winds lost their breath in giving caesar chase 175 1698 An account of the life an... Aw upon them: [.] # read his reflection upon it in his diary: methoughts i saw much of god in the carrying on of the work of this day 176 1698 An account of the life an... take, thus he writes, march: 22: 1665/6: [.] # this day methoughts it was made more clear to me than ever, by the hand of my 177 1698 The deceiver deceived a c... ; i have no hopes in human aid, but my own dear st: silveser methoughts, in a dream, express'd, his sacred girdle might do me good: 178 1698 Pendragon, or, The carpet... n't deserve a curse: ah wench! but just before you wak'd me, methoughts a war-like man attack'd me; fierce, like the fam'd st: george, when 179 1698 The life of the learned S... is that you are musing upon so sadly alone, when i came in: methoughts you had some great matter in your head: for ye scarcely did see me 180 1699 The epistles of Phalaris ... my head to enquire whether it were not done into french: i found, methoughts the phalaridan both thought and stile very much to symbolize with that of the louvre 181 1699 The epistles of Phalaris ... ms: i found standing in a page by themselves these latin verses, which methoughts were pretty things in their kind: they were over-written thus: # my nephews 182 1699 Spiritual songs, or, Song... (alas!) was gone; he whom i did so lately hear, methoughts i was undone: i sought him whom my soul ador'd, but him i 183 1699 The insinuating bawd and ... yield to beauties pleasing power: nature b'ing headstrong, and my virtue weak, methoughts, i could for ever hear her speak; i fond of joy, and 184 1699 The insinuating bawd and ... but when few hours was spent, he turn'd his back, and grew, methoughts, cold, negligent, and slack: i call'd him dear, but could 185 1700 The case of John Dunton, ... that tenderness which ought to be between a man and his wife: so that methoughts i went to my own house (whither, some years ago, i went 186 1700 A relation of two several... one left alive to tell how it came: it was the most dismal sight methoughts i ever had seen, to behold so many humane bodies toss'd at such a 187 1700 A relation of two several... of her: i did not dislike her merely for her being black, but methoughts her ears, though they were richly set out with gold, look'd but hideously 188 1700 Luctus britannici, or, Th... in their writings sink, that the vile Scriblers seem at least to think: methoughts i saw the mighty phoebus fir'd with just revenge, with all his rage Inspir'd 189 1700 A journey to Hell, or, A ... by taking bribes of coin, as slaves who labour in an indian mine: methoughts i heard'em cry, ne'er fear; go on, my fee, my 190 1700 The metamorphos'd beau, o... grates; and faith said i,'t is fit for none but beggars; methoughts the last smelt strong, but this is worse: sir, said our guide 191 1700 Father Malebranche his tr... believe i principally undertook it to satisfie the difficulties of some philosophers, who, methoughts, had not all that due sense religion teaches us to have of the goodness