To those who want to study under my supervision,


You do not have to contact with me even if our department recommends it (in that case, it is no problem to ignore it). It is no problem for me to be your adviser if you can pass the entrance exam for the master or doctor program at our graduate school (if you take the written exam, then it is also necessary to get a good score on the econometrics section. I do not care about  scores of other sections. On the other hands, in the case that you take the entrance exam without the written exam, the quality of your submitted paper needs to be enough high). However, if you have already written some papers related to econometrics, then it is desirable to send them (with your cv) to me before taking the entrance exam, otherwise, there is no need to contact with me or send anything to me directly, before taking the entrance exam.




Daisuke Nagakura


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