授業評価:「英語セミナー(特別上級)」 2015年度秋学期
期末課題を提出した履修者の成績分布 A:3 (38%) B: 4(50%) C:1 (12%)回答者数:8 有効回答数:8
- 50%以上(4名以上)が選んだ選択肢は赤色で表示されています。
- 平均値は「わからない・無回答」を除いて計算されています。
英語セミナー(特別上級・秋) 1(全然そう思わない) 2 3 4 5(とてもそう思う) 9(わからない・無回答) 平均 教員は熱意を持って教科の内容を提示した 0 0 0 3 5 0 4.63 教員の説明はわかりやすかった 0 0 2 5 1 0 3.88 教室内外で質問しやすかった 0 0 0 6 2 0 4.25 教員は授業に関わる悩みなど、学生の気持ちを理解しようとしていた 0 0 0 1 7 0 4.88 平均値(教員の教授態度) 4.41 授業は全体的にうまく構成されていた 0 0 4 3 1 0 3.63 教員の使った例や体験談は内容の理解に役立った 0 0 0 6 2 0 4.25 授業で扱おうとした内容の量は適切だった 0 0 6 1 1 0 3.38 教員の授業のペースは適切だった 0 0 3 4 0 1 3.57 課題など学生のやるべきことは明確だった 0 3 3 1 1 0 3.00 教員は毎回のクラスの準備を充分行っていた 0 0 1 4 3 0 4.25 教員は学生の授業への参加を奨励した 0 0 0 6 2 0 4.25 全般的に見て、教員はこの教科を効率よく教える能力を持っていると思えた 0 0 0 2 6 0 4.75 平均値(授業の構成・教授能力) 3.89 課題の量は授業の内容を考えると適切だった 0 0 3 4 1 0 3.75 予習文献のレベルは適切だった 0 0 1 5 2 0 4.13 あなたが書いたものに教員は有用なコメントや提案を返してくれた 0 0 0 2 6 0 4.75 ライティング課題(レポート、練習問題など)は内容の理解や新しい知識を応用する力の養成に役立った 0 0 1 6 1 0 4.00 試験・小テストは内容の理解や新しい知識を応用する力の養成に役立った 0 0 2 3 2 1 4.00 平均値(課題・評価) 4.12 60%以下 約60% 約70% 約80% 90%以上 無回答 授業で扱われた内容の何パーセントぐらいを実際に「学んだ」と感じましたか? 0 0 3 4 1 0 1(全然そう思わない) 2 3 4 5(とてもそう思う) 9(わからない・無回答) この授業はリーディングの能力を伸ばすのに役立った 0 1 2 4 1 0 3.63 この授業はライティングの能力を伸ばすのに役立った 0 1 0 4 3 0 4.13 この授業はプレゼンテーションの能力を伸ばすのに役立った 0 0 1 5 2 0 4.13 この授業は会話能力を伸ばすのに役立った 0 0 4 4 0 0 3.50
Strength of the instructor:
- Many readings and explanation for them in each class. Very enthusiastic about the topic.
- Teacher always asked students to think and held a debate every single class. By having the presentation session, students learned about their topic more and also improved presentation skills.
- A lot of discussion in the class. The selection of reading material were the right level for us.
- Flexibility (Thank you for always trying to understand where we're at and how you can help us)
- By doing discussions, it gives everyone a chance to speak out.
- Phrase explanation and the amount of knowledge.
- She was very enthusiastic. She could about to students eager to learn in and out of class.
Suggested improvements:
- Set more detailed question or theme for the discussion.
- The discussion we did at the beginning last part of the course should be revised. I'm sorry to say this but I did't read the readings for about 3-4 classes towards the last part of the course (before presentations).
- I couldn't see the point in reading it since the discussions were so short. Also I couldn't be bothered. So to make sure students read the readings you should give out some discussion questions or some sort of HW. Also, preparing questions that are more “discussible” would have been nice.
- Maybe teacher can make sure the students are doing okay with their readings.
- Sometimes the content was difficult and could not discuss it enough. A brief lecture of the reading in the class would help our understanding ant the discussion.
- Maybe more pointers on how to write a better essay in terms of content + logical structure.
- Give more topics for the discussion because there were times when my group ran out of things to discuss.
- More precise agenda. We sometimes confused of what we have to discuss.
- The reading were pretty hard to understand about basic knowledge. Maybe a clear overview of the chapter and info would help to understand the material more.
Other comments :
- I enjoyed “Fast Food Nation” a lot.
- Personally “Buyology” was interesting to read, but “Fast Food Nation” was boring.
Comments for future students:
- Interesting class.
- This course absolutely helps students to improve their presentation and writing skills. There are also many native speaker students. we can improve listening skills too.
Comments from the instructor: I think it was very controvertial whether the level of the material was appropriate for this class to have decent/meaningful discussion. As it became clear later in the semester, many students needed more information/training about forming their opinions and raising critical questions to the issues described in the readings. Overall, though, students coped very well by finishing the course with interesting papers. I really enjoyed reading them.