Spring 2010
Critical Thinking Skills (PCP)
The goal of this course will be to teach students in the PCP program to respond to alternative points of view. The skill which will be emphasized in this class is asking critical questions to evaluate an argument. Students first learn to understand the basic structure of an argument, which consists of issue, conclusion, and reasons. After that, they will learn to identify ambiguous expressions, hidden assumptions, and examples of well-known fallacies. Discussions of evaluating different types of evidence, statistics, rival causes, possibly omitted information follow. Students learn and apply the idea they learn in class to the materials of weekly written assignments and the final exam. All sessions will be conducted in English.
テキスト:Browne, M. Neil / Keeley, Stuart M. 2003. Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking 8th Edition. Prentice Hall.
- It is not very easy for students to survive this course as there is a lot of weekly assignments and reading materials. Hence, those who are going to take this class should be prepared to spare enough time to focus on the class and its preparation. If you want to improve discussion skills in both English and Japanese, this class much be one of the best!
- Conclusion: Those who want to improve their "logical thinking" seriously should take this class, if there are ready to do the homework and attend courses each time.
(1) Critical thinking for me was a tool to strengthen what people call "logical thinking".
(2) The homework was heavy, but contributed greatly to my understanding.
(3) If you are absent twice, you can't get credit.- It is very interesting and will change your way of thinking in a good way. Be well prepared and active in the class. Then you will find yourself changed a lot in 3 months.
- 社会に出てからも、あらゆる場面で役立つ力が身につくはずです。