サブタイトル: Scientific Analysis of Language 

The goal of this course will be to give an overall picture of the field of Linguistics (the Study of Language.) By taking this class, students will be introduced to material presented in scientific English. Topics includes: Brain and Language, Words of Language, Sentence Patterns of Language, Meaning of Language, Sounds of Language, Language Development, Sign Language, and Dialects. Skills which will be emphasized include: (1) to analyze data (2) to present your idea in a logical way (in written assignments and presentations) and (3) Lecture note-taking. These skills can be applied to many different scientific projects (including economics) that students will encounter in the later stages of their college education. A strict attendance policy will be enforced; virtually no consideration is given to absences caused by extracurricular activities.  All sessions will be conducted in English.  Textbook(References): Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams. 2003. An Introduction to Language: Seventh Edition. Thomson.  
  • 自分の興味によるが、興味があれば充実してる。
  • 予習の量が少し多く大変でした。課題も毎回興味深い分析で楽しかった。
