# This script counts the number of specified labels in all annotation files in a specified folder. # To use, have all of your textgrid files in one folder. # Specify (i) the path to the folder, (ii) which tier you want to analyze, (iii) the word that you want to # search for, and (iv) the name of the result file. Each time you run it, it will append a new result line to the file. # Author: Shigeto Kawahara # Version: 6/15/2010 form Count the number of labels sentence Directory ./ comment Which tier of the TextGrid object would you like to analyse? integer Tier 1 comment What's the word that you want to serch for? word Word to comment Where do you want to save the results? text textfile wordcount.txt endform # clearout everything, and print out the word in question, set the counter to 0 clearinfo fileappend "'textfile$'" 'word$''tab$' sum=0 # get the number of TextGrid files for loop Create Strings as file list... list 'directory$'/*.TextGrid select Strings list ns = Get number of strings for i to ns select Strings list gridname$ = Get string... i Read from file... 'directory$'/'gridname$' endfor # open all files and count the number of labels for i to ns select Strings list gridname$ = Get string... i name$ = gridname$ - ".TextGrid" Read from file... 'directory$'/'gridname$' select TextGrid 'name$' number_of_word = Count labels... 1 'word$' sum=sum+number_of_word endfor # writing out the result fileappend "'textfile$'" 'sum''newline$' # cleanup select all minus Strings list Remove