@article{shinohara2010-syllable, Author = {Shinohara, Kazuko and Kawahara, Shigeto}, Howpublished = {A talk presented at the 10th meeting of {J}apan Cognitive Linguistics Association, Kyoto University, September 27th, 2009.}, Journal = {The 10th meeting of {J}apan {C}ognitive {L}inguistics {A}ssociation}, Title = {Syllable intrusion in a {J}apanese language game, dajare.}, Year = {2010}} @article{kawahara2009-faithfulness, Author = {Kawahara, Shigeto}, Journal = {Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan}, Number = {2}, Pages = {52-61}, Title = {Faithfulness, correspondence, and perceptual similarity: Hypotheses and experiments}, Volume = {13}, Year = {2009}} @incollection{kawahara2009-phonetic, Address = {Stanford}, Author = {Kawahara, Shigeto and Shinohara, Kazuko}, Booktitle = {{J}apanese/{K}orean Linguistics 18}, Editor = {McClure, W. and {den Dikken}, M.}, Publisher = {CSLI}, Title = {Phonetic and psycholinguistic prominences in pun formation: Experimental evidence for positional faithfulness}, Year = {to appear}} @article{kawahara2008-calculating, Author = {Kawahara, Shigeto and Shinohara, Kazuko}, Journal = {Journal of Phonetic Society of Japan}, Title = {Calculating vocalic similarity through puns}, Volume = {14}, Year = {2010}} @article{kawahara2009-psychoacoustic, Author = {Kawahara, Shigeto and Shinohara, Kazuko}, Journal = {Journal of Linguistics}, Number = {1}, Pages = {111-138}, Title = {The role of psychoacoustic similarity in {J}apanese puns: A corpus study}, Volume = {45}, Year = {2009}} @incollection{kawahara2009-probing, Address = {Tokyo}, Author = {Kawahara, Shigeto}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of {S}ophia {L}inguistics {S}ociety}, Editor = {Shinya, Takahito}, Pages = {110-137}, Publisher = {Sophia University Linguistics Society}, Title = {Probing knowledge of similarity through puns}, Volume = {23}, Year = {2009}} @article{kawahara2007-half, Author = {Kawahara, Shigeto}, Journal = {Journal of East Asian Linguistics}, Number = {2}, Pages = {113-144}, Title = {Half-rhymes in {J}apanese rap lyrics and knowledge of similarity}, Volume = {16}, Year = {2007}}