Jokyu Media Studies 2014, 5th period class: First Presentations

1. Please note the date of your presentation. Note that even if it is someone else's turn to give a presentation, your role as a member of the audience is important. By listening carefully and responding to the speaker's eye contact, you can give the speaker confidence. By filling in the evaluation sheet and giving useful advice, you can help the speaker to improve his or her technique. By asking questions, you will be able to improve the participation component of your final grade.

2. Make sure that you submit your plan early, so that there is time to make changes as a result of my feedback. If you have difficulty in preparing for your presentation, please ask me for advice. Do not tell us what we already know. If possible, base your presentation on a study of one or more actual media texts. These can be photographs, newspaper or magazine articles, television programs, movies, TV commercials etc., etc. (For ideas about what you could do, see here (for topics related to chapters 1 to 5), here (for topics related to chapters 6, 8, 9 and 12), and here (for topics related to chapters 7 and 10).

3. The presentation should be your own work. It must not be copied from somewhere else. You should write the source of any graphs or images immediately underneath, and list all the sources that you have used at the end.

5. Ideally, your presentation should last around five to ten minutes. It should have an introduction, body and conclusion. You should provide visuals, either using Power Point or the video presentation stand, including an outline containing the title of your presentation and sub-titles for each section. You will find general advice about giving presentations, along with useful expressions, in a handout available via the 授業支援システム.

6. In particular, remember the importance of elements such as eye contact. (For an example of the effective use of eye-contact, gestures and voice control, see this video of Steve Jobs of Apple Inc., but note that he is not giving an academic presentation, and that his audience is much larger than yours will be. In other words, your performance should be more subdued that his.) Rehearse as many times as possible so that you do not have to rely on your notes too much.

7. At the end of your presentation, please invite the audience to ask questions. Think in advance about the sort of questions that people might ask. The handout mentioned in 5. contains advice about asking and answering questions.

Wednesday, 12 November: Shoma, Takashi, Takuya, Yusuke

Friday, 14 November: Kiyofumi, Shohei, Yugo, Yuki I.

Friday, 5 December: Ryoto, Yuki M., Yuri, Sayo, Ayaka, Jun, Yugo

Wednesday, 10 December: Anri, Minami, Takuro, Yu, Daichi, Shoma

*Media and disasters: If you want to do research into the media coverage of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, I can give you some links... Please mail me if you would like to talk about this.