Jokyu 2014: Final Presentations (5th period class)

This is your chance to show us what you have achieved in this class! It is also the last time that we will all be together. Let's finish with a flourish!!

Please note the following:

1. The presentation should be based on your term paper. For advice on what to change, read How to turn a written paper into a presentation . Make sure that you rehearse your presentation and prepare for questions that you might be asked.
2. Presentations should be not less than 4 minutes and not more than 6 minutes in length. Remember to look at the audience as much as possible, and to speak clearly with good intonation.
2. You MUST have an outline visual giving the title of your presentation, and your main points (in the order that you will make them). You should have additional visuals to show your evidence etc.

Note that the column under "Questioner" gives the first name of the student who MUST ask a question of that speaker. However, I hope that you will ask questions after other presentations as well.

Order of speakers:

Friday, 9 January
Section Speaker Topic Questioner
The Future of the Media I Takuro Is the radio out of fashion? Yu
Yuki M. The idea model of the music industry Shohei
The Media and Society I  Yuki I. How to live with SNS Yugo
Yuri How the media controls people Kiyofumi
Takuya Gender stereotypes in television commercials Ryoto
Daichi The relationship between media and media sponsors Minami
Ayaka The popularity of anime in the U.S. Sayo
  Reporting of the News Takashi The reporting of juvenile crime Anri 
Jun Problems in the media coverage of the Tohoku disaster Yusuke

Chairpersons: Ryoto, Minami
Timekeepers: Kiyofumi, Shohei

Friday, 16 January
Speaker Speaker Topic Questioner
The Future of the Media II Ryoto Copyright and the internet Takuya
Shohei The future of online businesses Yuki M.
Yu The future of television Takuro 
The Media and Entertainment Minami Making novels into movies: A case study of the first Harry Potter film Daichi
Sayo The popularity of Japanese anime Ayaka 
The Media and Society II   Yugo Sports and the media  Yuki M. 
Yusuke Reporting politicians' visits to Yasukuni Shrine Jun 
Kiyofumi NHK and the BBC Yuri 
 Other Anri   Takashi

Chairpersons: Takashi, Yuki M.
Timekeepers: Daichi, Takuya