General Reference Links

1. Here is a useful interactive guide to finding information from Manchester University.

Here is some useful advice for learners of English about how to use the internet (from Frankfurt International School). There are useful links to other sites with advice about the internet.

2.How to cite internet sources
This contains my summary of the APA system, and a link to the APA website.

To learn how to prepare presentations and written reports with a particular emphasis on how to find and use information, see Keio's very own Kitie. The Academic Writing section of the Hong Kong University English Centre's Academic Grammar site gives useful advice about reading academic material, organizing academic reports, academic language, and plagiarism.

4. For help in evaluating sites on the internet, try the advice given by Susan E. Beck at New Mexico State University Libraryand this page from Widener University (via the Internet Archive), which gives you access to a tutorial video with checklists at the end.
(Both of these sites are a bit out of date, but the advice is still sound.)