Ghostly Jokes

1. Why did the young vampires stay up so late?

2.How can you tell that the young vampires had an art class today?
That's a good guess, but not the right answer. There are fang marks on the red crayons and all the tubes of red paint have been sucked dry.

3.How can you tell that the young vampires have been in the fast food restaurant?

I will ignore that whisper. You can tell that young vampires have been in the fast food restaurant because there is no tomato ketchup left, just empty bottles and packets.

4.How can you tell that the young vampires have been in a bakery?

I'm glad that kappa are green, but that's beside the point. All the jam has been sucked out of the doughnuts.

Why are the young vampires never late for a meal?

I'm still glad that kappa are green, but that's nothing to do with this particular joke. The young vampires are never late for a meal because they don't want the soup to clot.
Why did the young vampires want red pens?

You've got no need to be so nasty to such young vampires, especially since you are not red but yellow, as you are only too keen to point out... The answer is: because they want to draw blood.

7.Where do the young vampires
go when they need to withdraw some of their savings?

They probably hope that their savings are in a different place from yours as well! Anyway, the answer the blood bank!

What type of boat do the young vampires like best?

I thought you looked a little green. A vampire's favorite boat is a blood vessel!
(Why are they called "vessels"? Click here...)

9.How do the teachers at the vampire school relax?

Don't get all steamed up! In fact, they take a coffin break. (Instead of a coffee break...)

10.But how do the teachers at the vampire school relax if they don't have time to go to their coffins?

You need to cool down! They drink de-coffin-ated coffee. (Not decaffeinated coffee, but coffee taken from a coffin.)