Tip of the week

In this section we will examine troublesome points of English. If you have any items that you would like to suggest, please send me an e-mail or tell me in class.

No.1 'Economic' and 'economical': Which is which, and how can we remember the difference?

No.2 'Staff' and 'staffs': Which of these belongs in a company, and which will be helpful on a mountain trail?

No.3 "Elderly" and "youth": How should we refer to older and younger people?

No. 4 Is "the same" always "the same"?

No. 5 Why can we wear "clothes" but not "cloth"?

Further points that I plan to take up: choose/choice; surprised/surprising; you can grow a plant but not a child; each/every; know/find out; dates; words to use with statistics; prepositions; would;