Answers to Plagiarism Quiz

a) This is plagiarism because the text has been copied word for word.
b)      The writer should either use quotation marks or paraphrase.

a) This is also plagiarism. Two words have been changed, but most of the words and the basic structure are completely the same.
b)     The writer should either copy the original using quotation marks, or write a proper paraphrase.

a) This is not plagiarism. The information has been paraphrased.

4. a) This is plagiarism. The quotation marks should begin with gIncluding international conferencesc. g. gch shows that gand short-term study programsh has been left out.

b) Adjust the quotation marks as shown above.

If you wish to practice more, try this self-test from Hong Kong University. If you click on the headings on the left ("Introduction", "Techniques" etc.), you will find helpful explanations.