Christopher Aldous teaches modern Japanese history at the University of Winchester, UK. His chief research interests are the post-war occupations of Japan (1945-52) and Okinawa (1945-72), particularly with regard to policing, protest and, more recently, public health and welfare.


Select publications


·           ‘Typhus in Occupied Japan, 1945-6: an epidemiological study’, Japanese Studies, vol 26, no 3, December 2006, 317-33


·           ‘Achieving reversion: protest and authority in Okinawa, 1952-70’, Modern Asian Studies, vol 37, part 2, June 2003, 485-508


·           ‘”Mob rule” or popular activism? The Koza riot of 1970 and the Okinawan search for citizenship’, in G. Hook and R. Siddle (eds), Japan and Okinawa: structure and subjectivity, London: Routledge, 2003, 148-66


·           The Police in Occupation Japan: control, corruption and resistance to reform, London: Routledge, 1997